Monday, January 25, 2016

Kakatiya University: B.Sc 4th Semester Chemistry 2009 Question Paper

Looking for KU old question papers for B.Sc degree examinations ? You will here find and download the question paper asked in 2009 for the subject, 4th semester Chemistry. Check out the contents provided below:
Kakatiya University
Fourth Semester
CHEMISTRY (Optional)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 80 marks
All questions are compulsory.
Answer all the question in the same answer book.
Draw neat diagrams and give equation wherever necessary.

I.Answer any TEN of the following:

1.what is common-ion effect?

2.what is B.O.D.?

3.Give the general electronic configuration of f-block elements. compound are colourless.why?

5.Write the reaction between aldehydes and alcohols in presence of dry hydrogen chloride.

6.Give the IUPAC names of:

7.Give the classification of aromatic amines with example.

8.How are Ethers prepared by Williamson's Ether Synthesis?

9.Finely divided substance is more effective adsorbent.Give reason.

10.State phase rule ans give its equation.

11.What is electroosmosis?

12.What is homogeneous catalysis?Give an example.

II.Answer any SIX of the following:

13.What is preliminary,primary and secondary tretment of sewage water?

14.Explain the conditions required for precipitation in gravimetric analysis.

15.What is d-d-electronic transition? Explain with an example.

16.How is Uranium extracted from pitch blende?

17.What is the action of conc.sodium hydroxide solution on benzaldehyde ? Name the reaction and write its mechanism.

18.Explain the hydrolysis of ester by Aa2-mechanism.

19.How is benzenediazonium salt converted into (a)chlorobenzene (b)phenyl hydrzine (c)anilin (d)parahydroxy azobenzene (e)iodobenzene?

20.Give a method of synthesis of epoxides.Explain the acid catalysed ring opening reaction of epoxides.

21.Explain the term (a)component (b) degree of freedom.

22.Give the differences between physical adsorption and chemisorption.

23.Explain (a)zeta potential (b) electrophoresis.

24.Derive Van't Hoff's reaction isotherm.

III.Answer the following:

25.(a) What are d-block element? Explain the following properties of d-blok elements
(i)Electronic configuration
(ii)Complex formation

(b) What is ment by solubiliy product? Precipitation is carried out in dilute solution.Why?

26.(a) Describe the separation of lanthanides by ion-exchange method.

(b) Describe the laboratory method of determination of C.O.D.

IV.Answer the following:

27.(a) What is aldol condensation? Explain its mechanism.

(b) Give the comparative study of acid strengths of nitro and hydroxy substituted benzoic acids.

28.(a) Explain the following reactions with examples:
(i) Hell Volhard Zelinsky reaction
(ii) Gabriel-Phthalimide reaction

(b) Give the synthesis of (i) Coumarine (ii) Vanillin.

V. Answer the following:

29. (a) Draw a neat labelled phase diagram of sulphuar system and discuss its salient features.

(b) Write B.E.T. equation.Name the terms involved.
30. (a) Derive Langmuir's adsorption isotherm.Discuss its forms at low and high pressures.

(b) Explain the stability of colloids.
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