Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Kannur University, B.Tech CSE, Switching Theory and Logic Design 3rd Semester 2010 Question Paper

Are you looking for Kannur University old question papers? Here is a paper titled "Switching Theory and Logic Design" asked in the year 2010 by this university. If you are preparing for this exam at present, then save a copy of the image of question paper provided hereunder. The question paper belongs to B.Tech, third semester regular examination. Continue reading to get your question paper.

University: Kannur University
Course: B.Tech CSE
Semester: 03
Subject: Switching Theory and Logic Design
Code of subject: 2K6 CS/IT 305
Year of exam: November 2010

Kannur University: B.Sc Microbiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics, 2nd Semester, 2012 Question Paper

Kannur University: B.Sc Microbiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics, 2nd Semester, 2012 Question Paper
Are you looking for 2nd Semester Mircobiology old question papers of Kannur University? Have a look at the model question paper designed for B.Sc Microbiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics subjects. This exam has been conducted in the year 2012 by Kannur University.

University: Kannur University
Course: B.Sc Microbiology
Semester: 2
Subjects: Biophysics and Bioinformatics
Subject Code: 2b02mcb
Total Weightage: 30 marks

Section-A (2 x 10 = 20)
Ans briefly on any ten questions:

1. Surface tension

2. Water structure

3. Channel membrane

4. Significance of ph

5. Disulphide linkage

6. Colloids

7. Hydrogen bond

8. Robertson unit membrane theory

9. Hydrogen-ion concentration

10. Pleated sheets

11. Ligand gated channels

12. Capillary action

13. Adsorption

14. Haemodialysis

15. Omega loops

Section-B (5 x 2=10)
Answer any 2 questions:

16. Justify the statement "membrane as a selective barrier for various substance

17. Briefly discuss the process of dialysis and colloid in biological system

18. Properties and importance of water structure

19. Discuss different modern membrane theories

Bharathiar University: Research Methods and Management, MBA I year Examination 2013 Question Paper

Bharathiar University: Research Methods and Management, MBA I year Examination 2013 Question Paper
An old question paper (2013 year) of Research Methods and Management will be of great helpful for those students who are currently preparing such exams. This paper belongs to MBA Degree Examination by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

University: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Course:  MBA I year Examination
Question Paper Title: Research Methods and Management
Exam conducted year: 2013
Question Paper Code: 07DMB 06

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks  (5 x 20 = 100)

1. Enumerate research process in detail and enlist characteristics of good research.

2. Explain following with example.

a) Concepts [Marks 5]

b) Constructs [Marks 5]

c) Deduction [Marks 5]

d) Induction [Marks 5]

3. Explain Thurtone scale and Likert scale with appropriate example.

4. Write in brief

a) Pilot study

b) Coding and Editing

c) Steps in sampling

d) Validity

e) Test to measure reliability

5. Explain construction of questionnaire in details.

6. Discuss experimental research design in detail

7. Discuss in brief:

a) Factor analysis   [Marks 10]

b) Cluster analysis [Marks 10]

8. Discuss contents of report in detail and from a report of your choice with all contents.

Anna University 4th Semester Soil Mechanics Important Questions

Anna University 4th Semester Soil Mechanics Important Questions
Are you in search of some important questions of Anna University, Chennai ? Find below important question papers of Soil Mechanics. Read on!

1. The mass of wet soil when compacted in a mould was 19.55 kN. The water content of the soil was 16%. If the volume of the mould was 0.95 m^3. Determine (i) dry unit weight, (ii) Void ratio, (iii) degree of saturation and (iv) percent air voids. Take G = 2.68

2. Sandy soil in a borrow pit has unit weight of solids as 25.8 kN/m^3, water content equal to 11% and  bulk  unit  weight  equal  to  16.4  kN/m^3.  How many  cubic  meter  of  compacted fill  could  be constructed of 3500 m^3 of sand excavated from borrow pit, if  required value of porosity in the compacted fill is 30%. Also calculate the change in degree of saturation.

3. A soil has a bulk unit weight of 20.11 KN/m^3 and water content of 15 percent. Calculate the water  content  of  the  soil  partially  dries  to  a  unit weight  of  19.42  KN/m^3 and  the  voids ratio  remains  unchanged

4. Explain Standard Proctor Compaction test with neat sketches.

5. Explain all the consistency limits and indices.

6. Explain  in  detail  the  procedure  for  determination  of  grain  size distribution  of  soil  by  sieve analysis

7. The discharge of water collected from a constant head permeameter in a period of 15 minutes is 500 ml. the internal diameter of the  permeameter is 5 cm and the measured difference in head between  two  gauging  points  15 cm  vertically  apart  is  40  cm.  calculate  the  coefficient  of permeability. If the dry weight of the 15 cm long sample is 486 gm and the specific gravity of the solids is 2.65, calculate the seepage velocity.

8. Explain  in Detail About the methods of obtaining flow nets

9. Explain the falling head permeability test

10. Compute the total, effective and pore pressure at a depth of 20 m below the bottom of a lake 6m  deep.  The  bottom  of  lake  consists  of  soft  clay  with a  thickness  of more  than  20  m.  the  average water content of the clay is 35% and specific gravity of the soil may be assumed to be  2.65

11. What are the applications of flow net and explain briefly

12. Explain with a neat sketch the Terzhaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory

13. Explain the Newmark’s influence chart in detail.

14. What are the various components of a settlement? How are these estimated?

15. A stratum of clay with an average liquid limit of 45% is 6m thick. Its surface is located at a depth  of 8m below the ground surface. The natural water content of the clay is 40% and the specific  gravity is 2.7. Between ground surface and clay, the subsoil  consists of fine sand. The water  table is located at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. The average submerged unit weight  of sand is 10.5 kN/m^3 and unit weight of sand above the water table is 17 kN/m^3. The weight of  the building that will be constructed on the sand above clay increases the overburden pressure  on the clay by 40 kN/m^2 . Estimate the settlements of the building.

16. Explain the assumptions made by Boussinesque in stress distribution on soils

17. Obtain  the  relationship  between  the  principal  stresses  in  triaxial  compression  test  using  Mohr-Coulomb failure theory

18. Explain with neat sketch Direct Shear method of finding Shear Strength

19. Explain the direct shear test to determine the shear strength of soil

20. Describe the triaxial shear test. What are the advantages of triaxial shear test over the direct shear  test?

Operations Management, MBA 2013 Bharathiar University I year Question Paper

Operations Management, MBA 2013 Bharathiar University I year Question Paper
Looking for MBA degree "Operations Management" 2013 Question Paper of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore? This post will help you to get it. Collect your question paper right now from the following texts.

University: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Course:  MBA I year Examination
Question Paper Title: Operations Management
Exam conducted year: 2013
Question Paper Code: 07DMB 16

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks  (5 x 20 = 100)

1. Explain the types of production systems with a neat diagram.

2. Elaborate on the types of Layouts with examples.

3. Discuss how aggregate production planning is related to Master Production Schedule.

4. What are the functions influencing effective capacity and what are all the factors favoring overcapacity and under capacity? Discuss..

5. Discuss the steps involved in conducting ABC analysis and classify the following items into A,B and C. The company records provide the following information. Item Annual usage in numbers Cost (Rs. per unit)

G1 40,000 .07

G2 1,95,000 .11

G3 4,000 .10

M1 1,00,000 .05

M2 2,000 .14

M3 2,40,000 .07

M4 16,00 .08

P1 80,000 .06

P2 10,000 .07

P3 5,000 .09

Discuss the components of ordering cost and shortage cost.

6. The average demand rate for a particular raw material fr a company is estimated to be 1000 times per month. The distribution of demand rate is found to be normally distributed with a standard deviation of 200. the average lead time for the procurement of the raw material has been observed in the past to be approximately 3 months and the normally approximated lead times have a standard deviation of 1 month. If the service label is to be 95% determine the required level of safety stock in situation where in both demand rate and lead time varies.

7. What are the approaches of TQM?

8. What do you understand by ISO 9000 series of standards and what are the benefits of these standards?

Quantitative Techniques for Management: Bharathiar University, MBA Degree 2013 Question Paper

Quantitative Techniques for Management: Bharathiar University, MBA Degree 2013 Question Paper
Want MBA Degree last year (2013) Question Papers? Then read this post to get it. This post will give you an old question paper of Quantitative Techniques for Management under Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. The exam year was May 2013.

Bharathiar University
M.B.A Degree Examination
Quantitative Techniques for Management 2013 paper
Paper Code: 07DMB 06
Course year: 01, First
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 marks

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks (5 x 20 = 100)

1. What are central measures? bring out their merits and demerits.

2. .Solve the following LPP by graphical method. Objective function z=0.6x1+0.8x2 is minimized

3. Subjected to the constraints

20x1 + 30 x2 >=900

40x1 + 30x2 >=1200

x1, x2>=0.

4. Describe the Transportation problem. Illustrate any one of the three methods for finding initial feasible solution of the Transportation problem.

5. What is an Assignment problem? Discuss its managerial applications with suitable examples.

6. What do you mean by waiting line model? Explain M/M/I model for infinite population.

7. Define Probability. Discuss the applications of addition and multiplication rule in management.

8. A company uses annually 48,000 units of raw material costing Rs. 1.20 per unit. Placing each order costs Rs.45 and inventory carrying costs are 15% per year of the average inventory values.

a) Find EOQ

b) Suppose the company follow the EOQ policy and its operates for 300 days a year, that the procurement time is 12 days and the safety stock is 500 units, find the reordering level, the maximum, the minimum and average inventory.

MBA Marketing Management, Bharathiar University 2013 Question Paper

MBA Marketing Management, Bharathiar University 2013 Question Paper
On a search of old question papers collections? Want "Marketing Management" previous years question papers of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore? In this treatise, you will find such question paper for 1 year MBA Examination held in latest by 2013. Collect your question paper from the following texts.

University: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Course: 1 year MBA Examination
Exam conducted year: 2013
Question Paper Title: Marketing Management
Question Paper Code: 07DMB 04

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks (5 x 20 = 100)

1. Explain and compare the Five Marketing Philosophies..

2. Explain GE Business Grids Contribution towards Strategic Marketing..

3. What are the four types of Buying behavior?

4. Describe the role of Product and Service Branding, Packaging, Labeling and Product Support Services.

5. Explain the Channel management Decisions.

6. Write a detail note on Socially responsible Marketing Communication.

7. Explain Customer Relationship levels and Tools.

8. Explain Marketing Challenges and Nicher Strategies.

BBM, Business Law Question Paper of Bangalore University 2012, III year

Are you preparing for an examination "Business Law" for B.B.M under Bangalore University? Do you want to get more old question papers of Business Law? This is paper III for Business Management course. The exam was originally held in the year 2012. Find out the image of the question paper at the end and download it to your computer for future reference.

University: Bangalore University
Course: B.B.M (Bachelor of Business Management)
Subject: Business Law
Year of exam:
October 2012 Scheme: New
Year of course: 3rd (III) year

Bharathiar University: MBA Degree 2013, Corporate Communication, 1 year Question Paper

Bharathiar University: MBA Degree 2013, Corporate Communication, 1 year Question Paper
Want to get old or previous or latest year model, sample, university question papers? Here is a question paper that belongs to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. The question paper is titles, "Corporate Communication" originally asked in the year 2013 last year. It will be useful for those who pursuing MBA degree under Bharathiar University or its affiliated colleges. Read on to know more about this question paper and download the text for your future assessment.

University: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Course: MBA Degree Examination
Year of Exam: 2013
Subject: Corporate Communication
Question Paper code: 07DMB 15
Semester/year: First year

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks  (5 x 20 = 100)

1. Communication is the life blood of an organization. Elaborate the statement with suitable examples.

2. Explain why communicating clearly across cultures is important to business.

3. Briefly explain the process of intra and inter personal communication.

4. What is a Report? What are the different types of Reports?

5. Briefly explain the various functions and phases of financial communication.

6. Tables, flow charts organization charts etc are the visual aids which can make the report more effective. Discuss.

7. Today no executive can survive without learning the art of making presentations. Do you agree? Why?

8. State suggestions regarding appearance and dress for interviews.

Organisational Behaviour: Bangalore University, 2nd Semester BBM 2012 Question Paper

Organisational Behaviour: Bangalore University, 2nd Semester BBM 2012 Question Paper

Are you searching for "Organisational Behaviour" previous years, latest and old question papers? Hereunder is a sample question paper for 2nd semester BBM examination under Bangalore University for this subject. The exam was held in the year 2012. Grab your question  paper below.

University: Bangalore University
Course: BBM
Semester: 02
Subject: Organisational Behaviour
Year of Examination: 2012

                                 Section A

Answer any 8 questions

a) Define organisation?

b) what is organisational behaviour?

c) what is meant by perception?

d) what do you understand by attitudes?

e)what is negative reinforcement?

f)what is self esteem?

g) what are group norms?

h) Define leadership?

i)what is change intervention?

j) who are change targets?

                                Section B

Answer any 3 questions

a)Briefly explain the role of organisation behaviour in an organisation?

b)How attitudes are formed ? Explain.

c)Explain briefly the various types of groups?

d)what is resistance to change?How to overcome the resistance?

                                  Section C

Answer question A and any 3

A) what is leadership style? Explain the various types of leadership styles?

b)Discuss the factors influencing perceptual selection?

c)what is behaviour modification Explain the steps in o.b modification process?

d)Define personality? Explain its determinants?

e)Explain the steps involved in change process?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences RAJUVAS, Admisssion 2014 for B.Sc & AH Courses

Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences RAJUVAS, Admisssion 2014 for B.Sc & AH Courses
Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS), Bikaner has invited applications from eligible candidates for admission into its Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, (B.Sc & AH) courses. The admission is sought for the coming academic year 2014-15. RPVT-2014 examination will be conducted prior to the admission process.

The age limit for the applying candidates should be 17 years on or before 31/12/2014. Thos who will be attaining 17 years of age on 1st January, 2015 or later will not be eligible to appear at the RPVT-2014 examination. For more information , please refer to,

How to Apply: 
Candidates are required to download the application form from the following link. http://www.rajuvas.org/ . and follow the procedure given therein. The last date of receipt of application form completed in all aspects is 05th May 2014

Important Dates:
Online applications have been already started and is currently going on.

Date of commencement of filling the online application: 04th April 2014.

Last Date for filling the online application and deposition of application fee: 05th May 2014.

TNEA 2014, Anna University Chennai - Issue of Application form starts on 03rd May 2014

TNEA 2014, Anna University Chennai - Issue of Application form starts on 03rd May 2014
Have you finished higher secondary (H.Sc) Examination this year? Eagerly waiting for the result? The result will be announced on May 09, 2014. What you have planned to do? Higher study on Engineering or Medicine? Most of the students will prefer Engineering than Medicine, Law and other professional course. Even some candidates will apply for engineering admissions after getting a medical seat. Why? Because of fees, nature of courses, job opportunities, etc. So what is your choice? If you too prefer engineering, then read this article completely to know the TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions) 2014 (BE/BTech) from Anna University, Chennai.

About the TNEA 2014:

Every year, Anna University Chennai has been conducting TNEA for admissions to its university departments and various affiliated colleges. This is common engineering admissions in Tamil Nadu every year. There are more than 500 engineering colleges affiliated to Anna University Chennai. This method of admission is named as Single Window System. This year too, Anna University has announced its admission process which would start after the result came. But the applications for the same will be started issuing prior to the result. So you can purchase an application from 03rd May 2014. Issue of notification inviting application for Admission to B.E./B.Tech will be one day before, ie) on 02nd May 2014.

Eligibility: You should have passed in +2 Examinations held in 2014 or before. 45% of minimum marks are necessary for applying to TNEA 2014. However, a mere pass (35%) is enough for SC/ST candidates. Reservation of seats will be done as per the current rules of the Anna University and Govt of Tamil Nadu. The cutoff marks will be taken into account. 

How to calculate the cut of Marks:
Generally cut marks is calculated to a maximum of 200 marks. The subjects for cut offs will be Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 100 marks will be from Mathematics ie) marks scored in mathematics will be taken fully. Other 100 marks will be taken by averaging the marks in Physics and Chemistry. 

A sample calculation:
If you score in the qualifying subjects, is like as follows,

Maths - 190/200

Physics - 160/200

Chemistry - 180/200

Then your cut of will be,  Maths 95%, Physics + Chemistry ((160+180)/4), 85%. So total cut off will be 180 out of 200. 

It is important to note that no entrance exam will be conducted for TNEA 2014 admissions.

Important Dates:

Notification of applications to TNEA 2014: 02nd May 2014

Issue of application forms for TNEA 2014: 03rd May 2014

Last date of issue of application forms: 20th May 2014

Last date of the receipt of TNEA application form (Completed form): 20th May 2014

Date of Assigning Random Number: Will be announced later

Date of Publication of Rank List: Will be announced later

Date of Commencement of Counselling: Will be announced later

For more details, visit the official webpage at www.annauniv.edu

Acharya Nagarjuna University: LL.M, Industrial Discipline and Punishment Process, 2012 Question Paper

Acharya Nagarjuna University: LL.M, Industrial Discipline and Punishment Process, 2012 Question Paper
Acharya Nagarjuna University previous years question papers are available in this blog. The original question paper of "Industrial Discipline and Punishment Process" for L.L.M exam conducted in the year 2012, has been shown below.  Read the complete text to get it!

University: Acharya Nagarjuna University
Course: LL.M. (Previous) Degree Examination, May2012.
Year: First Year, Labour Laws
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain how industrial discipline promotes healthy industrial relations.

2. What amounts to misconduct and explain different kinds of misconduct?

3. The law, as it stands today, lays down specific procedures in regard to dismissal, so as to ensure that there is no victimisation and that punishment is awarded on the basis of a full enquiry and established facts–Explain.

4. Explain the essentials of charge sheet.

5. Explain the concept of discharge simpliciter.

6. Explain the jurisdiction of Industrial tribunal and compare it with the jurisdiction of Administrative Tribunals on punishments.

7. Explain the doctrine of pleasure with reference to constitutional provisions.

8. How industrial employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 promotes industrial discipline.

9. Explain the right of employer to transfer his employees. Are there any judicial guidelines in this regard.

10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following.
(a) Compulsory retirement.
(b) Principles of Natural justice.
(c) Subsistence allwoance.
(d) Fines.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Commercial Graphic Design B.Tech Printing, University of Pune, 2013 Question Paper

Commercial Graphic Design B.Tech Printing, University of Pune, 2013 Question Paper
University of Pune has conducted an exam "Commercial Graphic Design" for B.E Printing Technology in the last year 2013. We've brought it here to the benefit of current and future students of B.E Printing under university of Pune. It is for regulation 2008. Get the text of question paper of Commercial Graphic Design hereunder.

[Total No. of Questions: 6] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1]
B. E. (Printing) Examination - 2013
(Elective I) Commercial Graphic Design (2008 Course)
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]
1 Answer any three questions from each section.


Q.1 A Discuss key elements of a graphic design 16


Q.1 A Discuss workflow of a design layout and considerations 16

Q. 2 A What are the advantages of RAW image capture? Discuss in detail 18


Q. 2 A Discuss compressible & non Compressible file formats 18

Q. 3 A Explain Imposition. How does it affect if binding method is changed? 16


Q. 3 A Describe a work and turn layout for printing of 16 page layout 16


Q. 4 A Describe die line to be considered in package design 18


Q. 4 A Discuss label and die cutting in detail 18

Q. 5 A Describe web page specifications with reference to file formats 16


Q. 5 A Discuss Web animation using Photoshop with details of file formats 16

Q. 6 A Discuss JDF and PDF workflow systems 16


Q. 6 A Discuss costing of a 4 page brochure with coating and finishing considerations 16

B.E Printing, Technology of Gravure 2013, University of Pune Question Paper

B.E Printing, Technology of Gravure 2013, University of Pune Question Paper
Looking for Technology of Gravure 2013 last year question paper of Pune University? Yes, you can get it from the this post. This paper is for B.E Degree Courses in Printing Technology. It is 2008 Pattern. Read the question paper right from here and use for your exam preparation. All the best from indianuniversityquestionpapers!

B. E. (Printing)
Technology of Gravure
(2008 Pattern)
Total No. of Questions : 12                  [Total No. Of Printed Pages: 2]
[Time : 3 Hours]                                  [Max. Marks : 100]
Instructions :
(1) Answer any 3 question from each section.
(2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.


Q1. a) Explain in detail the electro-mechanical engraving process  [10]
b) Describe the cell structures of engraving process  [8]


Q1. a) Explain in detail making of laser etching of a Gravure cylinder  [18]

Q2. Write notes on [16]
a) Efficiency of Electrolyte.
b) Chemistry of Electrolyte
c) Contaminants in Plating
d) Throwing and Covering Power


Q2. Explain the role of Copper, Nickel and chrome in cylinder making [16]

Q3. Explain in detail sections of a Gravure press [16]


Q3. Explain different types of resin system used in gravure inks [16]


Q4. Explain in detail Closed and Open loop inking system [18]


Q4. Explain in detail doctor blade loading system of gravure press [18]

Q5. Explain in detail making of an impression roller [16]


Q5. Explain the effect of pressure and hardness on gravure print quality. [16]

Q6. Explain in detail web tension control system for a Gravure press [16]


Q6. Write notes on: (Any four) [16]
a) Web transport rollers
b) Corona treatment
c) ESA
d) Mottling
e) Halo

University of Pune: B.Pharm, II Year Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 2010 Question Paper

University of Pune: B.Pharm, II Year Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 2010 Question Paper
Are you searching for previous years old, model or sample, university question papers. We have provided all university question papers in this blog. This post consists of a question paper from University of Pune for B.Pharm Degree Examination. If you are a student of Pune University, then read this question paper to get benefited. This question paper is of "Pharmaceutical Microbiology" that was originally asked in the year 2010 by the University of Pune.

University of Pune 2010 
Second Year, B. Pharmacy Examination, 2010
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (2004 Course)
Time : Three Hours 
Maximum Marks : 80
1) Q. No. one and five are compulsory. Out of the remaining, attempt two questions from part one and two questions from part II.
2) Answers to the 2 parts should be written in separate books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.

Part – I
1. Answer the subsequent :
a) State the cause for using cedar wood oil under 100X objective.

b) Describe :
i) Exotoxin ii) selective media
c) State the correlation ranging from capsule and virulence of bacteria
d) Enlist the media used in isolation of Staphylococcus aureus with reasons.
e) provide the importance of fungi.

2.  a) Define the compound microscope.
b) Discuss in detail 1 of the method of multiplication of a bacteriophage.

3. Answer he subsequent :
a) State the methods of enumeration of bacteria and define any 1 method.
b) Diagrammatically define the gram positive cell wall with example.
c) State the methods of preservation of microbial cultures.

4. Write short notes on (any three) :
a) Salmonella
b) Preservation of pharmaceutical products
c) Conjugation
d) Sporulation.

Part – II
5. Answer the subsequent :
a) Which tests are done for microbial limit test of starch ?
b) elaborate interferons ? provide their significance.
c) What is the action of cholera toxin ?
d) What is the importance of Aspergillus ?
e) Write action of ultra violet light on bacteria and their use in sterilization.

6.  a) define in brief general method of vaccine production.
b) What is complement ? define classical complement pathway.

7.  a) define various classes, action and uses of disinfectants.
b) Write on sterility test of pharmaceutical products.

8. Write short note on (any 3) :
a) Radiation sterilization
b) Vitamin B12 assay
c) Normal flora of human body
d) Kelsey – Syke's test.

University of Calcutta: B.Com Business Economics and Business Environment 2010 Question Paper

University of Calcutta: B.Com  Business Economics and Business Environment 2010 Question Paper
B.Com University of Calcutta Question paper "Business Economics and Business Environment" is presented below. It's 2nd paper of Business Economics and Business Environment. It was asked in the year 2010 for university examinations. Read the complete question paper below and use it for your upcoming exams.

University of Calcutta 2010,
B.Com - Business Economics and Business Environment,
2nd Paper,
Full Marks - 100.

1. Answer Any 6 Questions:

(a) What happens to the prices in a competitive market if, other factors remaining unchanged, the supply curve shifts to the right?

(b) What is meant by cross - price elasticity of demand?

(c) Define an isoquant.

(d) What is price-consumption cure?

(e) Define marginal product of a factor.

(f) What is the value of fixed cost in the long run?

(g) What do you mean by price discrimination?

(h) Draw the demand curve faced by the perfectly competitive firm.

(i) State the modern definition of rent.

(j) Mention 2 source of demand for money according to the Keynesian theory of liquidity preference.

2. Answer Any 4 Questions:

(a) What is price elasticity of demand? How is it measured on a particular point on a negatively sloped straight line demand curve?

(b) State the legal regulations of variable proportion in the theory of production. Explain the relationship ranging from avg. product and marginal product of the variable factor under this legal regulations.

(c) How does a consumer attain equilibrium under indifference curve analysis?

(d) How would you derive the short run supply curve of a competitive firm?

(e) What is meant by monopolistic competition? Explain the relationship ranging from the proportional
demand and the perceived demand in the market.

(f) Why is the short-run avg. cost of a firm U-shaped?

(g) Discus briefly the risk-bearing theory of profit and indicate its limitations.

(h) Explain the modern theory of rent.

B.Tech CSE: WBUT, Numerical Methods, 4th Semester 2012 Question Papers (Also common to other branches)

Want to download the previous old question papers of W.B.U.T. Computer Science and Engineering? We have provide here the previous year question paper of B.Tech CSE for the subject "Numerical Methods". This is the original question paper from the B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering fourth semester exam conducted in the year 2012 by West Bengal University of Technology. Look at the images to get your important question paper at free of cost.

University: W.B.U.T
Course: B.Tech CSE
Subject: Numerical Methods
Semester: 4
Common to: APM, CSE, IT, AUE, CHE, BT, ME, PE, CT, CE, LT, TT, FT
Subject Code: M(CS)-401/2012

WBUT: HU101 English Language & Technical Communication, B.Tech Civil Engineering, 1st Semester Question Paper

WBUT: HU101 English Language & Technical Communication, B.Tech Civil Engineering, 1st Semester Question Paper

E-Commerce and ERP, WBUT, B.Tech CSE, 8th Semester 2011, 2012 Question Paper

E-Commerce and ERP, WBUT, B.Tech CSE, 8th Semester 2011, 2012 Question Paper
Are you searching for WBUT (West Bengal University of Technology) previous years question papers? Here's a paper called 'E-Commerce and ERP' for B.Tech CSE 8th Semester Examination. This question paper has been asked in the years 2011 & 2012. Find the download link at the end to get your question paper of E-Commerce WBUT.

University: West Bengal University of Technology
Course: B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Semester: 8, Eight
Subject: E-Commerce and ERP
Year of Exam: 2011 & 2012
Subject Code: CS-801E/2012
Maximum marks: 70
Time: 3 hours

Download here to get E-Commerce and ERP Question Paper 2012, WBUT

Download here to get E-Commerce and ERP Question Paper 2011, WBUT

+2 (H.Sc) Exam result will be officially announced on May 9, 2014

+2 (H.Sc) Exam result will be officially announced on May 9, 2014
Plus Two (+2, H.Sc) Examination Result is to be declared on 09th May 2014. Students can know their result on various websites and by sending SMS on that day. The exams has got finished over in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during last March 3rd to 25th.

Approximately 8,50,000 boys and girls students have written this exam. Tamil Nadu educational board has arranged the facility to know their exam result on 09th May 2014 at 10:00 am through websites and SMS. Students should enroll their register number, date of birth (DOB) to get the result. The result will be uploaded in the following websites.
  1. www.tnresults.nic.in
  2. www.dge1.tn.nic.in
  3. www.dge2.tn.nic.in
  4. www.dge3.tn.nic.in
Also the website www.dge1.tn.nic.in will be designed to view the results using smartphone (Android application)

How to get TN +2 Result through SMS:

The SMS result facility is also available. Students need to type TNBOARD<Space><Register Number><DOB in mm/dd/yyyy) and send to 09282232585. Rs.3/- will be charged per SMS as service fee. The BSNL subscribers can send SMS to 53575. Type HSC<Space><Register No> and send it to that number. No fee will be charged for this BSNL number.

2012 old Question Paper of System Analysis and Design for MCA in IGNOU

Looking for old question paper of "System Analysis and Design"? This is a question paper asked in the year 2012 for Term End Examination in IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). The total number of pages in this question is 3. This question paper is titled as system analysis and design which comes under the syllabus and curriculum of MCA course in IGNOU. Read the question paper below or get the scanned copy of the question paper which is available after the text.

No. of Printed Pages : 3
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2012

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage: 75%)
Note : Question No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest.
1. (a) What are different phases in SDLC ? What is need of System Analysis ? Explain the
role of System Analyst. [10 marks]

(b) Draw a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) till second level Depicting the various processes, data flow and data repositories for a "Petrol - Pump retail outlet".  [10 marks]

(c) What is meant by "System Design Specification" ? Explain the purpose of the following system design tools :
(i) Object Interaction Diagram
(ii) Inheritance Diagram
(iii) Aggregation Diagram  [9 marks]

(d) What is DSS ? Explain various components briefly with the help of a suitable diagram.  [6 marks]

(e) What is reverse engineering ? Explain the need of reverse engineering with an example. [5 marks]

2. (a) What are object oriented Case Tools ? List basic features of 00 Case Tools. Also writen differences between various types of 00 Case Tools.  [10 marks]

(b) What is on - line transaction processing ? Give an example of on - line transaction processing. Also differentiate between on - line transaction, processing and batch processing. [10 marks]

3. (a) What is transaction audit ? Explain four advantages of transaction audit.  [10 marks]

(b) What is Joint Application Development GAD) ? Explain six typical participants in a JAD.  [10 marks]

4. (a) What is need of software testing ? Describe the objectives of the following testing techniques :
Stress Testing
Performance Testing
Recovery Testing
Security Testing  [10 marks]

(b) What is need of standard software documentation ? Explain any three documentation standards briefly. [10 marks]

5.  (a) Briefly, discuss various criteria for Form and Report design, using an example.
(b) Write a short note on following : 5x2=10
(i) Coupling and cohesion
(ii) Distributed system

B.Tech Mechanical Dynamics of Machinery 2009 question paper of Calicut University

Searching for Dynamics of Machinery 2009 question paper of Calicut University? In this post, you can get sixth semester ME 04 606 Dynamics of Machinery B.Tech Question Paper under 2004 Admissions. The exam was held in June 2009 by Calicut University. Read the scanned image of the full question paper below.

University: Calicut University
Course: B.Tech (Engineering) Degree Examination
Subject: Dynamics of Machinery
Subject Code: ME 04 606
Regulation: 2004 Admissions
Year: June 2009
Time: 3 hours
Maximum: 100 marks

Friday, April 25, 2014

Internal Marks finalized by Anna University affiliated colleges - Check your marks

Internal Marks finalized by Anna University affiliated colleges - Check your marks
Students who are studying under Anna University and its affiliated colleges can now check their internal marks assessment on Anna University student portal, coe1.annauniv.edu . Internal marks includes all three tests and attendance during their even semester now. Attendance carries 5 marks and best 2 marks from 3 scheduled tests will be considered for  remaining 15 marks.

Students are advised to go to coe1.annauniv.edu and enter their university registration number, date of birth and a security question. This system of awarding internal marks will be useful as grade system has been introduced for last 3 years. Grade system had the disadvantage of knowing the internal marks put by the colleges earlier. Now this system overcame this difficulty. Okay now check your internal marks and concentrate on scoring good marks in the upcoming even semester examinations.

SAEX1015(2010) , Aircraft Stability and Control 2013 Question Paper, B.E Aeronautical Engineering, Sathyabama University

Sathyabama University Question Papers for latest year 2013 have been illustrated below. Have a look at the following question paper which belongs to B.E Aeronautical Engineering. Get this Aircraft Stability and Control 2013 Question Paper.

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch : B.E - AERO
Title of the Paper : Aircraft Stability and Control
Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code : SAEX1015(2010)
Time : 3 Hours
Date : 09/04/2013
Session : FN

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)

Answer ALL the Questions

1. What is the effect of downwash at the tail?

2. Define – Elevator power. Write down its expression.

3. Write the conditions for longitudinal static stability.

4. Mention the methods to reduce the stick force gradient.

5. Define – Dihedral effect. What is positive dihedral?

6. Define - Roll Control Power.

7. What is Static Margin? What is its importance in the Airplane

8. What is Routh’s criterion for stability?

9. What is Feed Back control?

10. Mention any four essential advantages of Digital control system.

Look on the images below to read Part-B.

B.E Aeronautical Engineering, Control Systems for Aircraft, Chennai Sathyabama University, Question Paper 2013

Get an old, previous years question paper (2013 question paper) of Control Systems for Aircraft for B.E Aeronautical Engineering from the following post. It belongs to Chennai Sathyabama University. Read the question paper and make the best of it.

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch :B.E - AERO
Title of the Paper : Control Systems for Aircraft Max. Marks:80
Sub. Code : SAEX1014(2010) Time : 3 Hours
Date : 20/04/2013 Session : AN

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1. What is control system?

2. Define closed loop control system.

3. What is PI controller?

4. Name the test signals used in control system.

5. What are frequency domain specifications?

6. Define Bandwidth.

7. What is the necessary condition for stability?

8. What is routh stability condition?

9. Write the necessary frequency domain specification for design of a control system.

10. Why compensation is necessary in feedback control system?

Note: Part B will be in the image format below. As it involves equations, we can't able to write it fully here. Refer the images which give the complete question papers including the Part-A.

Airframe Maintenance and Repair Practices, Sathyabama University, 2013 B.E Aeronautical Engineering Question Paper

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch : B.E – AERO Max. Marks: 80
Title of the Paper : Airframe Maintenance and Repair Practices
Sub. Code : SAEX1013(2010) Time : 3 Hours
Date : 18/04/2013 Session : AN

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1. Differentiate between Jigs and Fixtures.

2. Enumerate the methods used for NDT in Inspection for Damages.

3. Differentiate between Thermo Plastics and Thermo setting

4. What is Damage Investigation?

5. What do you mean by Symmetry Check?

6. What is meant by “Jacking?”.

7. List down the steps involved in Aircraft Window Replacement.

8. Why do you need a conductive coating for Deicer Boots?

9. Define FACTOR.

10. What is a Reactive Agent?

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)

Answer ALL the Questions

11. Explain Soldering and Brazing processes and also differentiate between them


12. Explain in detail about the procedures and instructions used to assure safety of Acetylene welding Equipment and personnel working in welding shop.

13. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Forming of Plastics

(b) Cementing and Annealing of Plastics.


14. Describe the fabrication Techniques of Composite and also explain about the Trimming and Drilling of Composites.

15. Explain the maintenance of LG mechanism of a modern Aircraft.


16. Describe the various methods used to track the Blades of the Main Rotor

17. Describe the Maintenance of the following:

(a) Ice Protection System

(b) Rain Removal System


18. Explain various maintenance aspects of Aircraft Hydraulic

19. Discuss about the Handling and Storage of Hazardous materials in the Aircraft Industry.


20. Illustrate about MSDS for Hazardous stores.

Sathyabama University B.E Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Performance 2013 Question Paper

Searching for Aircraft Performance B.E Aeronautical Sathyabama University Question Papers? Here is a question paper that was asked in the latest year 2013 university examinations. Collect these important previous year question paper to prepare well for you examinations. Best of luck from indianuniversityquestionpapers!

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch :B.E - AERO
Title of the Paper :Aircraft Performance Max. Marks:80
Sub. Code :SAEX1012(2010) Time : 3 Hours
Date :16/04/2013 Session :AN

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1. Explain why induced drag of a finite wing is more than that of an

2. What is the effect of Reynolds number on skin friction drag?

3. Plot the variation of Thrust required with flight velocity in steady

level flight and give a brief explanation.

4. Explain the terms Absolute Ceiling and Service Ceiling?

5. What is the mean by dihedral effect?

6. What is mean by Wing twist and what is its importance?

7. What are all the advantages of keeping sweepback?

8. Draw a neat sketch of Drag Polar curve.

9. Explain the significance of 'load factor’?

10. Why propeller blades are given geometric twist from root to tip?

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)

Answer ALL the Questions

11. An aircraft is in steady level flight at sea level at speed of 100 m/s. The pilot causes his aircraft to enter a horizontal, correctly banked circle of l100 m radius keeping the same angle of incidence. The engine thrust is altered as necessary. Then the pilot brings the aircraft out of the turn without altering the angle of incidence and thrust and allows it to climb. Estimate the rate of climb, if at that incidence, the L/D ratio is 8.


12. Derive the expression for drag polar and explain it with a neat  sketch

13. (a) Discuss some methods of thrust augmentation.

(b) Write a brief note on Drag reduction of Airplane.


14. (a) Explain briefly what is thrust reversal.

(b) Draw the power required and power available curve for a jet engine and piston engine and state your observations.

(c) Write a brief note on Airfoil characteristics.

15. Write short notes on:

(a) Glide Hodograph (b) V- η Diagram


16. Show that for steep angles of climb θ, P/Po = (1+ tan θ) cos3/2 θ Where P is thrust power used for climb and Po is the power required for steady level flight at same incidence and altitude.

17. Obtain the expression for turn radius and turn rate for pull up and pushover maneuver.


18. (a) Derive the Brequette Range formula for Jet-Propelled airplanes. (8)

(b) Write a brief note on high lift devices. (4)

19. (a) Define Take off distance and derive a suitable formula for estimating the same. (8)

(b) Discuss the factors affecting the endurance of a Propeller-driven airplane. (4)


20. An airscrew is required to produce a thrust of 4000N at a flight speed of 120 m/s at sea level. If the diameter is 2.5 m, estimate the minimum power which must be supplied based on Froude’s Momentum theory of Propulsion.

Experimental Stress Analysis 2013 Sathyabama University Chennai B.E Aeronautical Question Paper

Experimental Stress Analysis 2013 question paper has been illustrated below. It is from Sathyabama University Chennai. The exam was conducted for B.E Aeronautical Engineering course.  Read on to get the question paper.

Register Number
(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch : B.E - AERO
Title of the Paper : Experimental Stress Analysis
Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code : SAEX1011(2010) 
Time : 3 Hours
Date : 13/04/2013
Session : AN

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1. Differentiate Accuracy and Sensitivity.

2. State the principle of force measurement.

3. List the advantages of a acoustical extensometer.

4. State the principle of capacitance type strain gauge.

5. What do you mean by cross sensitivity?

6. What are the requirements of adhesives used strain gauge

7. What is stress-optic law?

8. Differentiate isoclinic and isochromatic fringe.

9. What are the limitations of magnetic particle inspections?

10. What are called moire fringes?

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer ALL the Questions

11. Define measurement. Explain requirements for measuring system, methods of measurement and types of error in measuring


12. Explain the methods used for measuring the following.

(a) Torque (b) Strain in rotating shaft

13. Explain the different type of optical extensometer with its advantages and disadvantages.


14. Write notes on the following:

(a) Scratch Gauge (b) Photoelastic strain gauges

15. Explain the temperature compensation methods used for strain  gauges and explain the function of Self-Temperature-Compensated strain gauge.


16. Discuss the following:

(a) Foil Gauges (b) Weldable Strain Gauges

17. Explain the Tardy's Method of compensation with neat sketches.


18. Sketch the arrangement of circular polariscope and explain the function of each component.

19. Explain the following:

(a) Magnetic particle inspection

(b) Eddy current Testing


20. Explain Moire Techniques with neat sketch.

Sathyabama University: B.E Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Structures – II 2013 Question Paper

The following question paper refers to "Aircraft Structures – II" exam conducted by Sathyabama University. It is a 2013 previous year question paper. This paper will be useful for B.E Aeronautical Engineering students under this university. Get your question paper by reading the image below and use it for your exams.

Course & Branch : B.E Aeronautical Engineering
Title of the Paper : Aircraft Structures – II
Maximum Marks: 80
Sub. Code : SAEX1010(2010)
Time : 3 Hours
Date :10/04/2013
Session :AN

Thursday, April 24, 2014

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Spread Spectrum Techniques 2011

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Spread Spectrum Techniques 2011
Are you searching for B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering previous years question papers? This post will help you to get an old question paper of Spread Spectrum Techniques subjects. You can also find more question papers that are related to this course B.E ETC under Sathyabama University Question Papers link. Sathyabama University is one of the high ranked deemed universityb in Tamilnadu and India as well. Get your desired question paper right now!

University: Sathyabama University
Course: B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering
Year of exam: 2011
Subject: Spread Spectrum Techniques

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. What are the classifications of spread spectrum?
2. What are the positive performance features of spread spectrum?
3. Write the classification of direct sequences spread spectrum?
4. Define jammers.
5. Write down the advantages of frequency hopped spread spectrum.
6. What is chirp?
7. What is acquisition?
8. Define tracking.
9. What are the applications of spread spectrum system in cellular communication?
10. Write the features of IS-95.

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Explain in detail about generation of PN – Codes.
12. Explain spread spectrum model for digital communication system.
13. Explain the modulation and demodulation of direct sequence spread spectrum.
14. Explain the performance of direct sequence spread spectrum in noise and hammer.
15. With neat block diagram, explain the frequency hopped spread spectrum system model.
16. (a) Compare fast frequency hopping and slow frequency hopping. (4)
(b) Explain the demodulation techniques used in frequency hopped spread spectrum. (8)
17. What are the considerations in jamming? Explain it in detail.
18. Write short notes on
(a) Acquisition
(b) Tracking
19. Explain the packet and frame format in IS 95.
20. Explain about CDMA and multipath channels.

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Cryptography 2011

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Cryptography 2011
Below is a question paper titled "Engineering Cryptography" for Sathyabama University B.E Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering. 2011 is the exam of this paper. If you or your frined in need of this question paper, then have a look at the below texts to get it and use it for your exam preparation.

Sathyabama University, B.E Tele-Communication Engineering Question Paper 2011

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. The given cipher text is "ybpq lc irzh". Find the plain text when the key is "monoalphabetic cipher" with x = x+3.
2. State the difference between stegnography and cryptography.
3. What are the strengths of DES algorithm?
4. Find the GCD of "2740" and "1760" using Euclids algorithm.
5. Write down the principles behind RSAs secure model.
6. Which formula does the Elliptic curve system use to determine the relationship between public key and private keys within the universe created by an elliptic curve?
7. What is S/MIME?
8. How does IP security offer the authentication and confidentiality services?
9. List the classes of Intruders
10. What is IP address spoofing?

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Explain the basic model for network security.
12. Write short notes on
(a) Play fair
(b) Polyalphabetic ciphers
13. Describe the block cipher models of operation in detail.
14. Given 10 bit key K = 1010000010 determine K1K2 where
P10 = 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6
P8 = 6 3 7 4 8 5 1 0 9
By using SDES key generation method.
15. Perform Encryption / Decryption using RSA algorithm for the following.
P = 3, q=11, e=7, m=5
16. Users A and B use the Diffie Hellman key exchange technique a common prime q = 11 and a primitive root alpha = 7
(a) if user A has private key XA=3, what is As public YA? (2)
(b) If user B has private key XB=6 what is Bs public key YB? (2)
(c) What is the shared secret key? Also write the algorithm (3)
(d) How can the man – in – middle attack be performed in the Diffie Hellman algorithm?
17. Describe the SSL specific protocol handshake action in detail.
18. Explain the function of Kerberos authentication server.
19. What are the demerits of not using firewall? List the design goals of firewall.
20. With circuit schematic explain packet filtering router type in firewall.   

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Digital Image Processing 2011

SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Digital Image Processing 2011
On a search of old, model or previous years question paper collections? You can find useful question papers of BE Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering Question Papers hereunder. Digital Image Processing 2011 year question paper has been provided below. Read out the question papers right from here.

PART - A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. Define simultaneous constrast.
2. Define weber ratio.
3. Give any two properties of 2D-fourier transform.
4. Give the equation for discrete cosine transform.
5. Define point processing.
6. Give the difference between image enhancement and restoration.
7. Give any 2 noise model with suitable equation and diagram.
8. Draw the degradation model.
9. Define brightness, hue, saturation.
10. Give the equation to obtain H component of each RGB pixel.

PART – B (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. Explain in detail how the continuous image can be converted into digital image using suitable technique.
12. Explain elements of Digital image processing system in detail with suitable diagram.
13. Explain the basic relationship between pixels.
14. Explain the following transform and give its advantage over the other
(a) Slant transform
(b) Fast Fourier transform
(c) Hadamard transform
15. Explain the following with suitable diagram.
(a) Image subtraction
(b) Image Averaging
(c) Constrast stretching
16. Explain smoothing frequency domain filter in detail.
17. Explain geometric transformation in detail with diagram.
18. Explain the following filters with suitable equation.
(a) Band pass filter
(b) Notch filter
(c) Optimum notch filter
19. Explain pseudo color image processing in detail with suitable diagram.
20. Explain the use of motion in segmentation with suitable equations.   

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kakatiya University: B.Tech ECE, Digital Image Processing, Final year, 1st Semester 2013 Question Paper

Are you studying final year B.Tech under Kakatiya University? Want 1st semester Digital Image Processing Question Paper? Below is a question paper of Digital Image Processing for B.Tech ECE under this university. Look at the scanned image of the question paper and get your important questions to score good marks. All the best from indianuniversityquestionpapers!

University: KU College of Engineering and Technology, Kakatiya University Campus, Warangal
Course: B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject: Digital Image Processing
Semester: 01 (Seasional Examination)
Exam conducted in: 2013

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Electrical Engineering, B.E/B.Tech ECE, Anna University, Chennai 3rd Semester 2013 Question Paper

B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination, Nov/Dec 2013 Question Paper of the subject "Electrical Engineering" is presented below. It is for Anna University affiliated colleges. Paper belongs to third semester ECE under Regulation 2008 and 2010. Use this question paper for your exams to score good marks.

University: Anna University, Chennai
Course: B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination 
Year: November/December 2013
Department: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Question Paper Code; 31351
Subject: Electrical Engineering
Subject Code: EC2201/EC 32/EE 1204/19144 EC 302/080290008
Semester: 3
Regulation: 2008 and 2010

Osmania University: 2012 Old Question Paper of Web Programming for MCA I2nd Year II Semester Examination

Osmania University: 2012 Old Question Paper of Web Programming for MCA I2nd Year II Semester Examination
Are you looking for old year, previous years question papers of Osmania University, Web Programming subject? We've listed some of useful previous years collection to help the students community like you. Please go through the following question paper and share it with your friends who are in need. Search if you want another question paper by Search box provided at the top left corner.

Osmania University  
M.C.A. II Year II – Semester (Main/Backlog) Examinations
FEB – 2012

1. Discuss about creation of basic forms and complex forms can be linked.
2. What is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with the help of suitable examples.

3 . i. What is meant by object referencing explain about collections all
    ii. Discuss about ONCLICK, ONFOCUS, ONBLUR.


4 . i. Describe filters and transitions with suitable examples..
    ii. Write about structured graphics and its application..

5. i. Write a javascript program to reverise a given number at runtime.
    ii. Differentiate between While Loop and for loop with suitable examples.

6  i. Write java script program to find prime numbers from 1 to 100
    ii. how arrays are passed to functions?Explain with an example

7. i. Discuss about strings manipulation functions
   ii. Write a VB Script program to find fibbnacci series.

8. i. Discuss the installation of a webserver.
   ii. Differentiate betwwen ApacheWebserver and internelinformationserver.86

9. Write short notes on the following :
    (a) Active server pages (b) CGI and PERL5

10. i. What is XML parser? Explain.
     ii. describe about cookies.

B.Tech CSE, Calicut University: CS32075 - Computer Networks June 2007 Question Paper

B.Tech CSE, Calicut University: CS32075 - Computer Networks June 2007 Question Paper
The following question paper is old question paper collection of University of Calicut for B.Tech CSE, Computer Networks. It has been asked in the year 2007. Read the complete paper below and use it for your exams.

University: Calicut University
Course: B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Subject: CS32075 - Computer Networks
Year of Exam: June 2007
Regulation: 2004 admissions
Time: 3 hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions

1.a) Define ethernet.

b) Explain the basic hardware elements present in wired LANs.

c) Compare the packet switching and circuit switching.

d) Explain the various issues related to internet working.

e) What are NSAP and NPA addresses?

f) How TCP is better than UDP?

g) Compare symmetric and asymmetric algorithm used for encryption.

h) What are FTP and Telnet? [marks 8 x 5 = 40]

2.a i) Compare wired LANs with wireless LANs. [marks 8]
ii) Write note on : IEEE 802-12
Bridges [marks 7]


b i) Discuss various transmission media elements used in LAN. [marks 8]
ii) Write note on: FDDI [marks 7]

3.a i) Explain how WANs are different from LANs in detail. [marks 8]
ii) Write note on ISDN. [marks 7]


b i) Describe the inter network architecture in detail. [marks 8]
ii) Explain the various attributes associated with IPV6. [marks 7]

4.a i) Discuss various layers of TCP in detail. [marks 8]
ii) Explain service definition in detail. [marks 7]


b. i) Discuss how connection establishment and connection release are done it TCP. [marks 8]
ii) Differentiate flow control and congestion control. [marks 7]

5.a i) Explain how session layer provides services to other layers. [marks 8]
ii) Discuss concurrency related to networking. [ marks 7]


b. i) Write note on cryptography. [marks 8]
ii) Explain: Email
MIME [marks 7]

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