Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vardhaman University Question Bank ED-01 Understanding Education Question paper

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Bank

Programme: BAA(ED)
Subject: Understanding Education
िश±ा अवबोध
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. Write Answer as per
the given instruction.
यह ÿij पý ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ तीन खÁडŌ म¤ िवभािजत है| ÿÂयेक खÁड के िनद¥शानुसार ÿijŌ का उ°र दीिजए|
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
अित लघु उ°र वाले ÿij (अिनवायª)
Note: Answer all questions. As per nature of the question you delimit your answer in one
word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks. 8x2 = 16
नोट: सभी ÿijŌ का उ°र दीिजए| आप अपना उ°र को ÿijानुसार एक शÊद, एक वा³य या अिधकतम 30 शÊदŌ
म¤ पåरसीिमत कìिजये| ÿÂयेक ÿij 2 अंक का है| 8x2 = 16
1. Vidhyaamratam ‘Education lead to purification’ this statement is taken from which
‘िवīयाऽमृतमijुते’ अथाªत िवīा से अमरÂव कì ÿािĮ होती है| यह कथन िकस वेद से िलया गया है?
2. Whose statement is this -‘Education is life and its objective is to refine personality.’
‘िश±ा जीवन है और उसका उĦेÔय ÓयिĉÂव का उÂकषª करना है’ यह िकसका कथन है?
3. Which are the main four foundations of education?
िश±ा कì चार ÿमुख आधार िशलाएँ कौनसी है?
4. What type of education is described in Act 45 of Indian Constitution?
भारतीय संिवधान के अनु¸छेद 45 म¤ िकस ÿकार कì िश±ा का उÐलेख है ?
5. Name the scholastic women of Vedic period?
वेदकालीन िवदुषी मिहलाओं के नाम बताइए?
6. When did the Indian Government Act come into the existence?
भारतीय सरकार अिधिनयम कब बना?
7.In which year the secondary education commission came into existence?
माÅयिमक िश±ा आयोग का गठन कब हòआ?
8. Which commission made a study on ‘Gyan Panchbhuj Theory’?
‘²ान पंचभुज िसĦांत’ पर िकस आयोग ने अÅययन िकया?
9. Who says ‘Education is the construction of healthy mind in healthy body.’
‘ÖवÖथ शरीर म¤ ÖवÖथ मिÖतÕक का िनमाªण ही िश±ा है’ यह िकसे कहा?
10. ‘Education is a tri-polar process’ who has given this theory?
‘िश±ा िýमुखी ÿिøया है’ यह िसĦांत िकसने िदया?
11. Which articles of Indian Constitution have facility of minority education and culture?
भारतीय संिवधान कì िकस धारा म¤ अÐपसं´यकŌ कì िश±ा एवं संÖकृ ित कì ÓयवÖथा है?
12. Who is the writer of book ‘Das Capital’?
‘दास के िपटल’ पुÖतक के लेखक कौन है?
13. Name two Indians who were appointed in Indian university commission established by
Lord Curzon.
लाडª कजªन Ĭारा Öथािपत भारतीय िवĵिवīालय आयोग म¤ िकन दो भारतीयŌ कì िनयुĉ िकया?
14. What is the title of Education report 1994 presented by Central Education Advisory
क¤ þीय िश±ा सलहाकार बोडª Ĭारा ÿÖतुत 1944 कì िश±ा åरपोटª को िकस नाम से जाना गया है?
15. Whose birthday is celebrated as education day?
िकसके जÆमिदवस को िश±ा िदवस के łप म¤ मनाया जाता है?
16. Under which policy Navoday Vidhalya was established?
नवोदय िवīालय कì Öथापना िकस नीित कì देन है?
17. Which are three form of education?
िश±ा के तीन ÖवŁप कौन-कौन से है?
18. Why knowledge is known as third eye of human?
²ान को मनुÕय का तृतीय नेý ³यŌ कहा गया है?
19. For establishment of socialistic society who gave theory of ‘Heart change and
समाजवादी समाज कì Öथापना हेतु “Ćदय पåरवतªन और ůÖटीिशप” का िसĦांत िकसने िदया?
20. What do you mean by wastage?
िश±ा के अपÓयय का ³या अथª है?
21. Who was the president of Sedlar Commission?
सैडलर कमीशन के अÅय± कौन थे?
22. Which education commission was established on 14 July 1964?
14 जुलाई 1964 म¤ िकस िश±ा आयोग का गठन िकया गया?
23. Who has given the concept of Basic Education?
बुिनयादी िश±ा िकस कì देन है?
24. In which act of Indian Constitution right of education was added?
िश±ा के अिधकार को संिवधान के िकस अनु¸छेद म¤ जोड़ा गया है?
(Short Answer Question)
लघु उ°र वाले ÿij
Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each
question carries 06 marks. 4x6
= 24
नोट: आप अपने उ°र को अिधकतम 100 शÊदŌ म¤ पåरसीिमत कìिजए|ÿÂयेक ÿij 06 अंक का है?
4x6 = 24
1. ‘Education is science or art’ explain this statement?
‘िश±ा िव²ान है या कला’ इस कथन कì िववेचना कìिजए?
2. Discuss merits and demerits of informal education?
अनौपचाåरक िश±ा के गुण , दोषŌ कì िववेचना कìिजए?
3. Discuss the major demerits of ancient education?
ÿाचीन कालीन िश±ा के ÿमुख दोषŌ कì िववेचना कìिजए?
4. What changes in present education tendency is must to empower democratic India?
Explain it.
लोकतािÆýक भारत को अिधक सशĉ करने हेतु वतªमान िश±ा पĦित म¤ ³या पåरवतªन अपेि±त है? ÖपĶ कìिजए|
5. ‘Life of university education is research work.’ Analyse it.
‘िवĵिवīालय िश±ा का ÿाण अनुसंधान कायª है’ समी±ा कìिजए?
6. What are the main reasons of wastage and stagnation in primary education? Explain it.
ÿाथिमक िश±ा के अपÓयय व अवरोधन का ÿमुख कारण ³या है? ÖपĶ करे?
7. What is curriculum of Basic education? Explain it.
बुिनयादी िश±ा का पाठ् यøम ³या है? Óया´या कìिजए?
8. What is the revised report of National Education Policy -1992? Briefly explain.
संशोिधत राÕůीय िश±ा नीित 1992 का ÿितवेदन ³या है? सं±ेप म¤ समझाइये ?
9. Differentiate between teaching and instruction.
िश±ण व अनुदेशन म¤ अंतर बताइए?
10. Explain the concept of aim and objective with their difference?
लàय व उĦेÔय के संÿÂय को ÖपĶ करते हòए इनमे अंतर बताइए?
11. Describe briefly the main teaching methods of Muslim education period?
मुिÖलम कालीन िश±ा कì ÿमुख िश±ण िविधयŌ का सं±ेप म¤ वणªन कìिजए?
12. Explain main suggestions of Wood’s Despatch?
वुड घोषणापý के ÿमुख सुझावŌ को ÖपĶ कìिजए?
13. Explain the structure of Indian University Commission?
भारतीय िवĵिवīालय आयोग कì संरचना को समझाइये?
14.‘Examination and evaluation has important place in education’. What are the views of
secondary education commission on this subject?
‘परी±ा व मूÐयांकन का िश±ा म¤ महÂवपूणªÖथान है’ इस िवषय म¤ माÅयिमक िश±ा आयोग के ³या िवचार है?
15. ‘Industrial progress is the basic fundamental progress of any country in present
scenario’ what suggestions Kothari Commission presents related to this statement?
‘वतªमान म¤ िकसी राÕů कìउÆनित का मूल आधार वहां कì औīोिगक उÆनित है’ इस संदभª म¤ कोठारी िश±ा
आयोग ने ³या सुझाव िदए?
16. Explain the objectives of National Knowledge Commission?
राÕůीय ²ान आयोग के उĥेÔयŌ को ÖपĶ कìिजए?
17. ‘Education is a lifelong process’. Explain.
‘िश±ा आजीवन चलने वाली ÿिøया है’ समझाइये?
18. Explain how economic and social factors affect education?
आिथªक व सामािजक कारक िकस ÿकार िश±ा को ÿभािवत करते है-ÖपĶ कìिजए?
19. Describe national aims of education related to Indian problemspresently?
वतªमान भारतीय समÖयाओं के सÆदभª म¤ िश±ा के राÕůीय लàयŌ का वणªन कìिजए?
20. What suggestions has Hunter Commission given for the improvement of Secondary
education curriculum?
हंटर कमीशन ने माÅयिमक िश±ा के पाठ् यøम सुधार हेतु ³या सुझाव िदए?
21. Discuss Hartog Committee views on women education?
ľी िश±ा के िवषय म¤ हटाªग सिमित के िवचारो का उÐलेख कìिजए?
22. Elaborate educational structure of Wardha scheme?
वधाª िश±ा योजना कì łपरेखा को समझाइये?
23. Wood’s Dispatch is known as manifesto of education? Explain.
‘वुड का घोषणापý िश±ा का महािधकार पý कहलाता है’ िववेचना कìिजए?
24. Describe the recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission related to vocational
Óयावसाियक िश±ा के सÌबÆध म¤ राधाकृ Õणन आयोग कì िसफाåरशŌ का उÐलेख कìिजए?
(Long Answer Questions)
(दीघª उ°र वाले ÿij)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to
800 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
नोट: आपको अपने ÿÂयेक उ°र को अिधकतम 800 शÊदŌ म¤ पåरसीिमत करना है| ÿÂयेक ÿij 15 अंक का है |

2x15 = 30
1. What do you mean by education? Discuss its nature and importance.
िश±ा से आप ³या समझते है? िश±ा कì ÿकृ ित एवम् महÂव कì िववेचना कìिजए?
2. Compare ancient and Islamic education in detail.
ÿाचीनकालीन िश±ा तथा मुिÖलम कालीन िश±ा कì तुलनाÂमक िववेचना कìिजए?
3. Discuss in detail the national objectives of education related to need and aspiration of
modern India?
आधुिनक भारत कì आवÔयकतŌ व आकां±ाओं के सÌबÆध म¤ िश±ा के राÕůीय लàयŌ कì िववेचना कìिजए?
4. Explain in detail suggestions of Hunter Commission related to higher education and
women education?
उ¸च िश±ा व ľी िश±ा के सÌबÆध म¤ हंटर कमीशन कì िसफाåरशŌ का सिवÖतार वणªन कìिजए?
5. Analyze in detail the psychological and scientific trends of education?
िश±ा कì मनोवै²ािनक व वै²ािनक ÿवृितयŌ कì सिवÖतार समी±ा कìिजए?
6. Analysis the merits and demerits of Sargent Commission?
साज¥Æट योजना के गुण व दोषŌ कì समी±ाÂमक िववेचना कìिजए?
7. Analytically evaluate Wood’s Despatch in history of modern Indian education?
आधुिनक भारतीय िश±ा के इितहास म¤ वुड घोषणापý का समी±ाÂमक मुÐयांकन कìिजए?
8. What do you mean by wastage and stagnation? What you will to eradicate it at primary
level. Explain.
अपÓयय व अवरोधन से आप ³या समझते है? ÿाथिमक Öतर पर इनको दूर करने हेतु आप ³या कर¤ग¤? समझाइये .
9. What is the role of open universities in education as nonformal education agency?
Explain it.
िश±ा को िनरौपचाåरक अिभकरण के łप म¤ खुला िवĵिवīालय कì ³या भूिमका है? वणªन कìिजए?
10. Explain the student-teacher relation in ancient time? Why it is relevant in modern
ÿाचीन काल म¤ गुŁ िशÕय संबंधो कì िववेचना कìिजए? आधुिनक युग म¤ इनकì ³या ÿासंिगकता है?
11. ‘I experience that text book is the teacher of student.’ Explain the characteristics of
ideal teacher according to Basic education planning.
‘मैने सदा ये अनुभव िकया है िक िशÕय कì पाठ् यपुÖतक ही उसका िश±क है’ बुिनयादी िश±ा योजना के अनुसार
आदशª िश±क के गुणŌ कì िववेचना कìिजए?
12. Explain structure of education system and condition of teacher according to Kothari
कोठारी िश±ा आयोग के अनुसार िश±ा कì ÿणाली संरचना व िश±क कì िÖथित का वणªन करे?
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B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. She has developed this website for the welfare of students community not only for students under Anna University Chennai, but for all universities located in India. That's why her website is named as www.IndianUniversityQuestionPapers.com . If you don't find any study materials that you are looking for, you may intimate her through contact page of this website to know her so that it will be useful for providing them as early as possible. You can also share your own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Thank you!


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