Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Anna University 4th Semester Soil Mechanics Important Questions

Are you in search of some important questions of Anna University, Chennai ? Find below important question papers of Soil Mechanics. Read on!

1. The mass of wet soil when compacted in a mould was 19.55 kN. The water content of the soil was 16%. If the volume of the mould was 0.95 m^3. Determine (i) dry unit weight, (ii) Void ratio, (iii) degree of saturation and (iv) percent air voids. Take G = 2.68

2. Sandy soil in a borrow pit has unit weight of solids as 25.8 kN/m^3, water content equal to 11% and  bulk  unit  weight  equal  to  16.4  kN/m^3.  How many  cubic  meter  of  compacted fill  could  be constructed of 3500 m^3 of sand excavated from borrow pit, if  required value of porosity in the compacted fill is 30%. Also calculate the change in degree of saturation.

3. A soil has a bulk unit weight of 20.11 KN/m^3 and water content of 15 percent. Calculate the water  content  of  the  soil  partially  dries  to  a  unit weight  of  19.42  KN/m^3 and  the  voids ratio  remains  unchanged

4. Explain Standard Proctor Compaction test with neat sketches.

5. Explain all the consistency limits and indices.

6. Explain  in  detail  the  procedure  for  determination  of  grain  size distribution  of  soil  by  sieve analysis

7. The discharge of water collected from a constant head permeameter in a period of 15 minutes is 500 ml. the internal diameter of the  permeameter is 5 cm and the measured difference in head between  two  gauging  points  15 cm  vertically  apart  is  40  cm.  calculate  the  coefficient  of permeability. If the dry weight of the 15 cm long sample is 486 gm and the specific gravity of the solids is 2.65, calculate the seepage velocity.

8. Explain  in Detail About the methods of obtaining flow nets

9. Explain the falling head permeability test

10. Compute the total, effective and pore pressure at a depth of 20 m below the bottom of a lake 6m  deep.  The  bottom  of  lake  consists  of  soft  clay  with a  thickness  of more  than  20  m.  the  average water content of the clay is 35% and specific gravity of the soil may be assumed to be  2.65

11. What are the applications of flow net and explain briefly

12. Explain with a neat sketch the Terzhaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory

13. Explain the Newmark’s influence chart in detail.

14. What are the various components of a settlement? How are these estimated?

15. A stratum of clay with an average liquid limit of 45% is 6m thick. Its surface is located at a depth  of 8m below the ground surface. The natural water content of the clay is 40% and the specific  gravity is 2.7. Between ground surface and clay, the subsoil  consists of fine sand. The water  table is located at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. The average submerged unit weight  of sand is 10.5 kN/m^3 and unit weight of sand above the water table is 17 kN/m^3. The weight of  the building that will be constructed on the sand above clay increases the overburden pressure  on the clay by 40 kN/m^2 . Estimate the settlements of the building.

16. Explain the assumptions made by Boussinesque in stress distribution on soils

17. Obtain  the  relationship  between  the  principal  stresses  in  triaxial  compression  test  using  Mohr-Coulomb failure theory

18. Explain with neat sketch Direct Shear method of finding Shear Strength

19. Explain the direct shear test to determine the shear strength of soil

20. Describe the triaxial shear test. What are the advantages of triaxial shear test over the direct shear  test?
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