Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vardhaman University Question Bank ED-05 Indian Practical in Education Question paper

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Bank
Programme: BAA(ED)
Subject: Indian Practical in Education
Indian Practical in Education
िश±ा म¤ भारतीय ÿयोग
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. Write Answer as per
the given instruction.
यह ÿij पý ‘A’, ‘B’ और ‘C’ तीन खÁडŌ म¤ िवभािजत है| ÿÂयेक खÁड के िनद¥शानुसार ÿijŌ का उ°र दीिजए|
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
अित लघु उ°र वाले ÿij (अिनवायª)
Note: Answer all questions. As per nature of the question you delimit your answer in one
word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks. 8x2 = 16
नोट: सभी ÿijŌ का उ°र दीिजए| आप अपना उ°र को ÿijानुसार एक शÊद, एक वा³य या अिधकतम 30 शÊदŌ
म¤ पåरसीिमत कìिजये| ÿÂयेक ÿij 2 अंक का है| 8x2= 16
1. When was gurukul Kangadi was established?
गुŁकु ल काँगड़ी कì Öथापना कब कì गई?
2. ‘Vishw Bharti represents India.’ Who says this statement?
‘िवĵ भारती भारत का ÿितिनिध°व करती है’ यह कथन िकसने कहा?
3. What is the objective of Basic Education Science Institute?
बेिसक एजुके शन साइंस इंिÖटट्यूट नामक संÖथान का उĦेÔय बताइए?
4. Sahita brhaman was known by name?
सिहता āĺमण को िकस नाम से जाना जाता है?
5. What do you mean by para vidhya?
परा: िवīा का ताÂपयª बताइए?
6. Maktav word is originated from which language word?
मकतव कì उÂपित िकस भाषा के शÊद से हòई है?
7. Annie Besant divided whole period in how many parts?
एनी बीस¤ट ने िश±ा के सÌपूणª काल को िकतने भागो म¤ िवभािजत िकया?
8. Write the name of Radhakrishnan research?
राधाकृ Õणन के शोध ÿबंध का नाम बताइए?
9. What do you mean by momentaism?
±िणकवाद का ³या ताÂपयª है?
10. By which ritual Islamic education is started?
इÖलािमक िश±ा िकस रÖम Ĭारा ÿाÌभ कì जाती है?
11. What is meaning of Indianization?
भारतीयकरण का अथª बताइए?
12. According to Upanishads super element is?
उपिनषदŌ के अनुसार परमतÂव िकसे कहते है?
13. What is the objective of education according to Theology philosophy?
वेदांत दशªन के अनुसार िश±ा का उĦेÔय बताइए?
14.Give the meaning of ‘jayati iti gin’?
‘जयाित इित िजन’ का अथª बताइए?
15. Write the name of famous writing of Shree Arvind ji?
®ी अरिवÆद जी कì ÿमुख कृ ित का नाम बताइए?
16. What do you mean by ‘Hein yen’?
हीनयान शÊद का अथª बताइए?
17. Write the names of the departments of Vishwa Bharti?
िवĵ भारती के िवभागŌ के नाम बताइये?
18. What do you mean by‘samaj vidhya vishad’?
‘समाज िवīा िवशारद’ का अथª ³या है?
19. Who says this statement-‘Indianization is the process of assimilation and
accommodation of foreign elements.’?
िवदेशी तÂवŌ के समावेशन एवं आÂमसातकरण कì ÿिøया का नाम ही भारतीयकरण है – यह कथन िकसका है?
20. Write the name of types of Brham?
āĺ के िकतने ÿकार है नाम बताइए?
21. From which phonetic word charvak originated?
चावाªक शÊद कì उÂपित िकस धातु से हòई है?
22. In which form preaching of Buddha was collected?
बुĦ के उपदेशŌ का संúह िकसम¤ िकया गया है?
(Short Answer Question)
लघु उ°र वाले ÿij
Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each
question carries 3 marks. 4x3 = 12
नोट: िकÆही चार ÿijŌ के उ°र दीिजए| आप अपने उ°र को अिधकतम 100 शÊदŌ म¤ पåरसीिमत कìिजए|ÿÂयेक
ÿij 3 अंक का है? 4x3= 12
1. Universe education was based on what principles?
āĺ िवīा िकन िसĦांतŌ पर आधाåरत है?
2. Write the meaning of ‘sa vidhya ya muktaye’?
‘सा िवīा या िवमुĉये’ का अथª बताइए?
3. Why ‘Tribal Research and Training Institute’ was established?
ůाइबल åरसचª एंड ůेिनंग इंिÖटट्यूट कì Öथापना ³यŌ कì गई थी?
4. Write main characteristic of Indianization?
भारतीयकरण कì मु´य िवशेषता बताइए?
5. What do you mean by Upanishad? When it was written?
उपिनषद् का अथª बताइए ? इनकì रचना कब कì गई?
6. What do you mean by ‘Jamiya Miliya Islamiya’?
‘जािमया िमिलया इÖलािमया’ से ³या ताÂपयª है?
7. Briefly give the concept of Shree Arvind education?
®ी अरिवÆद िश±ा का संÿÂय बताइए ?
8. Write the name of research management written by Shri Radhakrishnan.
®ी राधाकृ Õणन Ĭारा िलिखत शोध ÿबंध का नाम बताइए ?
9. Write the importance of Vanasthali Vidhyapeeth ‘Panchmukhi’ education?
वनÖथली िवīापीठ कì पंचमुखी िश±ा का महÂव बताइए?
10. What is relation of teacher-student according to Geeta philosophy?
गीता दशªन के अनुसार िश±क-िश±ाथê के सहसÌबÆध को बताइए?
11. Briefly state the objectives of Islamic education?
इÖलाम िश±ा केउĦेÔय बताइए?
12. What is principle of ‘Theosophy’ according to Annie Besant?
एनीबीस¤ट के अनुसार ‘िथओसाफì’ (āĺिवīा) का िसĦांत ³या है?
13. Write main educational principles of Dr.Zakir Hussain?
डॉ.जािकर हòसैन के ÿमुख िश±ण िसĦांत बताइए?
14. How many levels were determined by Dr.Zakir Hussain?
डॉ.जािकर हòसैन ने िश±ा के िकतने Öतर िनधाªåरत िकये है?
15. Write the steps of Shree Arvind education.
®ी अरिवÆद िश±ा िवकास केसोपान बताइए ?
16. Which Indian education system was in trend at Rishi Dayanand Period?
ऋिष दयानंद के समय भारत िश±ा कì कौनसी ÿणािलयाँ ÿचिलत थी?
17. Write difference between Indianization and Modernization?
भारतीयकरण व अधुिनककरण म¤ अंतर बताइए?
18. What is known as super element in language of Upanishad?
उपिनषद् कì भाषा म¤ परम तÂव िकसे कहा गया है?
19. What is objective of education according to Buddhism?
बौĦ दशªन के अनुसार िश±ा के उĦेÔय ³या है?
20. Write the organizational structure/form of Islamic education?
इÖलाम िश±ा के संगठाÂमक ÖवŁप को बताये?
21. What functions were done for all round development by Annie Besant?
एनीबीस¤ट ने बहòमुखी िवकास के िलए ³या-³या कायª िकये?
22. Where first school was open by Annie Besant?
एनीबीस¤ट ने पहला िवīालय कहा खोला?
23.Write the names of important/main philosophies of education philosophy?
िश±ा दशªन के ÿमुख दशªनŌ का नाम बताइए ?
24.Write the objectives for establishment of Gujarat Vidhyapeeth?
गुजरात िवīापीठ Öथापना के उĦेÔय बताइए?
25. When and why National Education Policy was established?
राÕůीय िश±ा नीित कì Öथापना कब और ³यŌ कì गई?
26.Write the types of Bhram / Universe?
āĺ के ÿकार बताइए?
27. Briefly write the meaning of chavak?
चावाªक शÊद के अथª को समझाए ?
28. Write views of Jainism on ‘Aatma’ and ‘Moksh’?
जैन दशªन के आÂमा व मो± पर िवचार िलिखए?
29.Write the main proposals presented at Vardha by Dr. Zakir Hussain?
डॉ.जािकर हòसैन ने वधाª म¤ कौन-कौन से ÿमुख ÿÖताव रखे?
(Long Answer Questions)
(दीघª उ°र वाले ÿij)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to
800 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
नोट: िकÆहé दो ÿijŌ का उ°र दीिजए| आपको अपने ÿÂयेक उ°र को अिधकतम 800 शÊदŌ म¤ पåरसीिमत करना
है| ÿÂयेक ÿij 15 अंक का है| 2x15 = 30
1. What efforts were processed by various education commissions for Indianization?
िविभÆन िश±ा आयोगŌ Ĭारा भारतीयकरण हेतु कौन-कौन से ÿयास िकये गए?
2. Why Lord Buddha percepts central way for himself?
भगवान बुĦ ने अपने िलए मÅय मागª का चुनाव ³यŌ िकया था?
3. Mention objectives of Adewat Vedant?
अĬैत वेदांत दशªन के उĦेÔय बताइए?
4. The education curriculum and teacher-student relation should be of what type according
to Gandhi Ji?
गाँधी जी के अनुसार िश±ा पाठ् यøम एवम् िश±क-िश±ाथê सÌबÆध कै सा होना चािहए?
5. Explain in detail National Education Policy in perspective of Indianization?
भारतीयकरण के पåरपेàय म¤ राÕůीय िश±ा नीित कì िववेचना कìिजए?
6. What do you mean by Chanvak. Write in detail it’s certify and element views.
चावाकª का अथª बताते हòए उसके ÿमाण व तÂव िवचार को ÖपĶ कìिजए?
7. Explain the characteristics of educational views by Ravindranath Tagore?
रिवंþनाथ टैगोर के शैि±क िवचारधाराओं कì िवशेषताओं का वणªन कìिजए?
8. Explain the concept of education according to Shri Arvind Ji?
®ी अरिवÆद जी के अनुसार िश±ा का संÿÂय बताइए ?
9. Explain in detail democratic education according to Geeta? Write the educational
implications of Geeta.
गीता के अनुसार जनतंýाÂमक िश±ा कì िववेचना कìिजए? गीता के शैि±क िनिहताथª िलिखए?
10.Explain in detail Islamic Education Centers?
इÖलामी िश±ा क¤ þ कì िवÖतृत Óया´या कìिजए?
11. Throw light on methods, curriculum and principles of Jainism?
जैन दशªन कì अधययन िविधयां, पाठ् यøम एवं मु´य िसĦातŌ पर ÿकाश डािलए?
12. Mention basic education and Vardha education planning of Dr. Zakir Hussain?
डॉ. जािकर हòसैन कì बुिनयादी एवं वधाª िश±ा योजना का उÐलेख कजए?
13. Write in detail the objectives and characteristics of ‘Vishwbharti’?
िवĵभारती के उĦेÔय व िवशेषताएँ बताइए?
14. Explain in detail importance of Geeta in constructing education philosophy?
िश±ा दशªन के िनमाªण म¤ गीता के महÂव को समझाइये?
15. Throw a light on view “Religion is the central element of Vivekananda views’.
“धमª िववेकानंद के िवचारŌ का के Æþीय तÂव है” उĉ िवचारŌ पर ÿकाश डािलए?
16.Explain the concept of Education Philosophy by Dr. Radhakrishnan?
डॉ. राधाकृ Õणन के अनुसार िश±ा दशªन कì अवधारणा समझाइये?
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B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. She has developed this website for the welfare of students community not only for students under Anna University Chennai, but for all universities located in India. That's why her website is named as www.IndianUniversityQuestionPapers.com . If you don't find any study materials that you are looking for, you may intimate her through contact page of this website to know her so that it will be useful for providing them as early as possible. You can also share your own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Thank you!


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