Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University D PHARMA II SEM Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence [DPY204] April 2021 Question Paper

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University

Diploma in Pharmacy

Second Year Main Examination, April-2021

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence [DPY204]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 80

Note : Attempt any five questions.

Each question carries equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (any 8)

(i) If pharmacist is making an attempt to capture the business of fellow pharmacist it is_____.

(ii) Pharmacist should not interfere the duties of physician, he should carry out his own duties

that is _______.

(iii) If pharmacist has made secret contract with doctor it is called as ________.

(iv) Schedule F(ii) prescribes the standards for_______.

(v) Schedule M(i) prescribes the requirements of factory premises, plant, equipments, etc for

the manufacture of ________.

(vi) The pharmacist is a vital link between _____ in health care system.

(vii) Requirements and guidelines on the clinical trials for the import and manufacture of new

drug is specified in __________.

(viii) Drugs marketed under the generic names only are specified in _______

(ix) Standards of patent and proprietary medicine is specified in ________ .

(x) Schedule B is related with ___________ .

Q.1 (b) MCQ: (Any 8)

(i) Before independence drugs were imported from following countries except ________.

(a) United Kingdom (b) Germany

(c) France (d) America

(ii) _________started Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd in 1901

(a) Prof. T. K. Gajjar (b) Prof. M. L. Schroff

(c) Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray (d) Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray

(iii) The main objective of the pharmaceutical legislation is to ensure that the patient receives the

required quality of drug that is previously tested and evaluated for its _________.

(a) Satisfaction and efficacy (b) Safety and efficacy

(c) Safety and economy (d) Satisfaction or efficacy

(iv) Drugs Enquiry Committee was appointed under the Chairmanship of ________ in 1931.

(a) Dr. B. Mukharjee (b) Mr. Bathgate

(c) Lt. Col. R. N. Chopra (d) Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray

(v) In 1937, the Government of India introduced ________.

(a) The Pharmacy Act (b) Drugs & Magic Remedy

(c) Drugs and Cosmetic Act (d) Import of Drugs Bill

(vi) ________came into existence to control and prohibit advertisements of drugs which makes

false claim for the drug or which gives the misleading information about the drug.

(a) Drugs and Magic Remedy (Objectionable advertisements) Act, 1954

(b) Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Act, 1955

(c) The Pharmacy Act, 1948

(d) Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940

(vii) Ethics is the study of ________.

(a) Fundamental legal principles (b) Rule of action

(c) Moral duties (d) None

(viii) ______ can prevent the sale of substandard quality drugs but cannot prevent selling of

drug at cheaper rate

(a) Law (b) Ethics

(c) Both (d) None

(ix) If there is any error in the prescription which one of the following statement will be correct?

(a) Pharmacist should correct it himself

(b) Pharmacist should ask to trainee pharmacist

(c) Pharmacist should take a help of patient

(d) Pharmacist should ask to doctor

(x) Schedule H prescribes __________ .

(a) The list of drugs to be sold by retail only on the prescription of RMP

(b) The list of drugs to be taken only under the supervision of medical practitioner

(c) The list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

(d) The list of diseases which drugs may not claim to cure

Q.2 (a) Write the scope and objective of pharmaceutical legislation in India?

(b) Write in detail about Pharmacy Act?

Q.3 (a) Write the critical study of the code of pharmaceutical ethical drafted by pharmacy council of


(b) Discuss in detail the drug and cosmetic act and the rules there under?

Q.4 (a) Discuss in detail the drug and magic remedy act?

(b) Discuss on Poisons Act 1919?

Q.5 (a) Discuss medical termination of pregnancy Act in detail.

(b) Write the objective, offences and punishment of Narcotic and paychotropic act.

Q.6 (a) Discuss Principles and Significance of Professional Ethics in detail?

(b) Write Definitions and silent features related to retail and wholesale distribution of drugs?

Q.7 (a) Write short note on Medicinal & Toilet preparations Act.

(b) Write short note on Latent Drugs (Price control) act.

Q.8 (a) Write the procedure for registration as Pharmacist under Pharmacy act 1948? Describe the

constitution of Pharmacy Council of India?

(b) What are loan licenses and repackaging license? Discuss procedure to get the above licenses?

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