Saturday, February 27, 2016

Rajasthan University: B.E Computer Engineering, 7th Semester, INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES 2007 Question Paper

Want to have downloaded University of Rajasthan Old Question Papers for B.E Computer Engineering? You can here collect 2007 question paper for a paper, INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES. It is Paper VII in the Fourth Year 7th Semester B.E Exam conducted by the university.

(New Four Year Semester Scheme)
(Exam. of 2007 held in Jan. 2008)
[Branch: Computer Engineering]
Paper VII
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks-80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain all steps for accessing Internet by 'leased line connection' on a given operating system? How it differs from dial-up Internet connection. [Marks: 10+6]

2. Suppose you have to convert the existing LAN (Local Area Network) system of your college intranet system. Explain all steps required to establish this new Intranet system? Also give advantages of Intranet Over LAN System. [Marks: 10+6]

3.(a) Explain various protocols used for sending and receiving messaging by an E-mail program.

(b) What is the role of various E-mail Headers in E-mail? [Marks: 8+8]

4.(a)What do you understand by 'Digital Telephony'? How it can be implemented as an ISDN application?

(b) What is 'Multi-point Conferencing'? Explain H.323 Protocols used for it? [Marks: 8+8]

5.(a) You have to develop your college website as your degree project, Explain various steps that you will follow?

(b) What is web traffic and Log Files? How Log File is useful in analyzing web traffic? [Marks: 8+8]

6. What is Domain Name System? How it is Useful for Internet. Also Explain Static Host Configuration and Dynamic Host Configuration. Which one is better and why? [Marks: 4*4]

7. What is Network Operating System? Explain Network Card, Cabling, Hub and Routers? [Marks: 6+10]

8. Write short notes on any four:-

(a) ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

(b) Filtering of E-mail

(c) Video and Voice Conferencing

(d) Search Engine

(e) Clients and Servers[Marks: 8*2] 
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