Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Annamalai University question paper december 2014 B.Sc. Digital electronics and microprocessor

Annamalai University question paper december 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
 1. Find the decimal equivalent of 2FD16.
2. Define max term.
3. Find the gray code of 11000112.
4. Define Multiplexer.
5. Two bit binary numbers(1011 and 1111) are applied to a 4-bit parallel
adder. The array input is 1. What are the values of the sum and carry
6. How many 1-of-16 decoders are required for decoding a 7-bit binary
7. Define Shift registers.
8. What is a stable state? How many stable states does a flip-flop have?
9. What advantages of synchronous counters have over asynchronous
10. What is the forest method of A/D conversion?
11. Define the term accuracy of DACs.
12. What would be the conversion time of an eight bit successive
approximation type A/D convertor run by a 10MHZ clock?
13. Draw and specify the completer bit configuration of 8085 flag register.
14. Define op-code and operand.
15. What are the limitations of 8085 MPU?
 Answer ALL questions
16. a) What are called universal gates? Why they are called so?
 b) Simplify the following SOP equation using k-map procedure and
realize the simplified equation using AND-OR gates.
Y= A . B . D + A. C . D + A .B.C +A.B. C .D+A B C D
17. a) Explain the function of 2’s complement subtraction with necessary
block diagram.
 b) What is a half subtraction? Explain the function of a half
subtractor and also discuss how it can be modified to function as a
full subtractor?
18. a) Draw the block diagram of ring counter and explain.
 b) Draw the logical diagram of R-S flip using NAND gates and explain
its truth table.
19. a) Explain the operation of counter type ADC. Discuss its merits and
 b) Explain the working of a variable resistance network.
20. a) Explain the control signals of 8085 microprocessor in detail.
 b) Write an assembly language program to add a series of 8-bit
numbers and store the result as 16 bit in two consecutive memory
 Answer any THREE questions
21. State and prove De’ Morgan’s theorem.
22. Explain half adder and full adder with symbol, circuit diagram and truth
table in detail.
23. Explain the working of a 4-bit ripple counter with block diagram.
24. Enumerate the principle of binary ladder method of D/A converter with
completer circuit diagram.
25. With a neat diagram explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor
along with functions of each block and registers.
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