Monday, November 30, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,Paper - 1.4 : Contemporary Critical Theory,M.A. (Part - I) ENGLISH (Semester - I),2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.A. (Part - I)
Paper - 1.4 : Contemporary Critical Theory
 (Semester - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following :
a) Explain the characteristics of ‘Neo-Classicism’.
b) What are the features of ‘Romanticism’ as found in the Preface to the
Lyrical Ballads?
c) Discuss Aristotle’s definition of tragedy.
Q2) Answer any two of the following :
a) “Poetry is concerned with impossible probabilities rather than improbable
possibilities”. Comment.
b) What, according to Dr. Johnson, are the merits and demerits of Paradise
c) Discuss Wordsworth’s definition of poetry.
Q3) Answer any two of the following :
a) What are T.S.Eliot’s views on ‘Tradition’?
b) Discuss Eliot’s theory of impersonality.
c) Distinguish between ‘statements’ and ‘pseudo statements’.
Q4) Answer any two of the following :
a) “Connotations are important in poetry, and do enter significantly into the
structure of meaning, which is the poem”. Comment.
b) Comment on the rejection of biographical approach by Wimsatt and
c) “Intention is neither available nor desirable”. Explain in light of ‘Intention
Q5) Answer any two of the following :
a) Assess Othello as an Aristotelian tragic hero.
b) Interpret Death Be Not Proud by applying Brooks’ concept of ‘Irony’.
c) Apply WimSatt and Beardsley’s notion of ‘intention’ to The Second
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