Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Post-Colonial Literature: M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION June 2011 Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University Question Paper

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.A. (Final) EXAMINATION, June, 2011
(Post-Colonial Literature)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Your answers should not exceed 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss Ashis Nandy's 'The Intimate Enemy' justification as to how Indian culture has preserved itself through centuries. 16

2. Compare and contrast the characters of Bijjala and Basavanna with Sovideva with suitable reasons,
substantiating from the text. 16

3. Comment on the title 'India : A Wounded Civilization' and justify it as a political commentary. 16

4. Explain how Ghosh distinguishes between Indian Diaspora and Diaspora of other countries and state the important role of memory in creating imaginary links. 16

5. Explain the terms 'nationalism' and 'anti-colonial nationalism' as discussed by Partha Chatterjee in his essay
"Whose Imagined Community ?" 16

6. "Racism has a long reach." Explain with reasons Arun Prabha Mukherjee's view. 16

7. Shiv K. Kumar's 'Indian Women' is truly a postcolonial poem as it pertains to the rhythms of village life.
Explain. 16

8. The poem 'The Shapes of Fear' is truly portraying a universal primeval darkness of fear and terror inherent in human nature. Elucidate with reasons from text. 16

9. Comment on how migration and shared history becomes a matter of concern for Walcott in 'A Far Lay' from Africa'. 16

10. Write a critical explanation on the narrative technique of the "Things Fall Apart". 16
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