Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Madras University Question Paper,Subject Code-SZA,Subject:English Paper -I

Madras University Question Paper
Subject:English Paper -I
Subject Code-SZA
MAY 2013 U/ID 4040/SZA
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
1. Annotate any FIVE choosing atleast Two from
Sections A and B. (5 × 2 = 10)
 (a) It is like giving a young child food only
suitable for an adult.
 (b) Every Hindu boy and girl should possess
sound Sanskrit learning.
 (c) Attachment comes only where we expect a
 (d) What harm is there in it, you are not a
 (e) This spiritual gift, that makes man human, is
still alive in Indian souls.
 (f) He was not of an age, but for all, time !
 (g) That one small head could carry all he knew.
 (h) It was a miracle of rare device
 A sunny pleasure - dome with caves of ice !
 (i) Earth being so good, would heaven seem
 Now, heaven and she are beyond this ride.
 (j) May your suffering decrease the misfortunes
of your next birth, they said.
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2. Write FOUR essays in about 250 words each.
 (4 × 10 = 40)
 (a) (i) What observation does the author make
on reading books?
 (ii) How does Shelley portray the mortality
of earthly things through his sonnet
 (b) (i) Write an essay on the attitude of Indian
people to life and Gandhiji’s contribution
to the welfare of the humanity.
 (ii) Sum up in your own words the various
kinds of evils that are done by man to the
creatures of Nature in Blake’s poem.
 (c) (i) How does Nehru establish the variety
and unity of India?
 (ii) Describe the supreme sacrifices made by
Indian soldiers during the First World
 (d) (i) Narrate the story of ‘The Cabuliwallah’.
 (ii) ‘Nansen was both an explorer and a
humanitarian’ – Discuss.
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3. Rewrite as directed : (10)
 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and
make necessary changes.
 (a) If you ——————— (be) less lazy, you would
make more progress. (1)
 (b) You ——————— (recognise) that man over
there. (1)
 (c) Match the words in group A with their
meanings in group B. (2)
 A B
 (i) queer (1) Frightful
 (ii) terrible (2) joy
 (iii) pleasure (3) food
 (iv) diet (4) strange
 (d) (i) Give the synonyms of the following
words. (1)
 alien, ravine
 (ii) Give the antonyms of the following
words : (1)
 ancient, crude.
 (e) Add suitable prefixes to the following words :
 literate, regular.
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 (f) Add suitable suffixes to the following words :
 free, wise.
 (g) Rewrite the following sentences as directed. (2)
 (i) I worked hard, She won the prize.
(Change into compound).
 (ii) The bell rang. We stopped work. (Change
into compound).
4. Give the paraphrase of the following text. (10)
 It is not growing like a tree
 In bulk, doth make man better be;
 Or standing long as Oak, three hundred year,
 To fall a log at last, dry, bald an sere;
 A lily of a day
 Is fairer far in May
 Although it fall and die that night,
 It was the plant and flower of light
 In small proportions we just beauties see
 And in short measures life may perfect be.
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5. Reconstruct the following passage. (10)
 (The first sentence and the last sentences are
given in their proper places. The rest are jumbled).
 (a) Venice is a strange and beautiful city in the
north of Italy.
 (b) There are about four hundred old stone
bridges joining the islands of Venice.
 (c) In this city there are no motor-cars, no horses
and no buses.
 (d) These small islands are near one another.
 (e) It is not one island but a hundred and
seventeen islands.
 (f) This is because Venice has no streets.
6. Make a precis of the following passage. (10)
 The book shortage of the present time calls for an
adventurous library policy. The fewer books there
are, the greater the need to give them the widest
circulation possible; and if a library creates a
growing private demand to be met when books in
plenty are again on the market, so much the
better. The recent announcement that a children’s
library has been opened in a West African town
may herald a significant contribution to
educational progress. In assisting this
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development, local committees could well draw on
the experience gained elsewhere by the
establishment of junior reading centres which
have created a new reading public. The building
itself is attractive in structure and equipment. The
children have really made it their own, although
there is always an unobtrusive attendant in the
background, and the popularity of the library is
such that another centre has already been opened
in the neighbourhood. The choice of suitable books,
however, presents difficulties, as the children are
naturally interested in their own district and the
demand for books on local life and tradition cannot
be satisfied because such books are few and their
would-be borrowers many.
 Just as this shortage of suitable books handicaps
those who are trying to cater for the young, so the
absence of stories dealing with local life and
tradition is an even greater handicap. A child in
one part of the British Empire may lack such
English background as exists for a child in another
part, and his difficulties in accepting what he
reads must be almost insurmountable. They can
be overcome by providing him with children’s
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books in his own language, in which the best of
British and of local tradition finds a place. Such
books have not yet been written, and it will only
be possible to complete the work so well begun if
the local committees can discover potential native
authors who will undertake to adapt local folklore
and legends in such a way that the children of the
district can appreciate them.
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer
the questions given below. (10)
 Many ships go to sea, with many hundreds of
people m one ship, whose destiny for good or ill is
common. This is a true picture of a
commonwealth, or a society. It happens sometimes
that both Catholics and Protestants, Jews and
Turks, may be found in the same ship and in such
circumstance I affirm that all of the liberty of
conscience for which I have ever pleaded, depends
on this: that none of the Catholics, Protestants,
Jews or Turks be forced to come to the ship’s
prayers or worship, nor compelled from their Own
particular prayers or worship, if they practice any.
I further add that, in spite of this liberty, the
commander of this ship ought to command the
ship’s course and also command the justice, peace
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and sobriety both among the seamen and all the
passengers. If any of the seamen refuse to pay for
their trip, if any refuse to help, personally or with
money, in the common need or defense, if any
refuse to obey the laws of the ship, if any shall
mutiny and rise up against their commanders and
officers, if any should preach or write that there
ought to be no commanders, no officers, no laws,
nor any convictions or punishments – I say I never
denied that the commander may judge and punish
such transgressors according to their crimes. This,
if seriously and honestly understood, may, if it
please God, let in some light to such as have their
eyes open.
 I remain concerned about your common peace and
 (a) That which is common to people on a ship is
 (i) all of them belong to different nationality
 (ii) everyone practises a different religious
 (iii) they are partners in a common destiny
 (iv) they are equally obedient or defiant.
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 (b) When the author says “Catholics,
Protestants, Jews or Turks”, he means
 (i) the major religions of the world
 (ii) the people of all nations
 (iii) the people of all religions
 (iv) all the nations of Europe
 (c) Those on ship who defy the authority of
commanders or officers
 (i) arc best left alone to realise their
 (ii) should be treated as transgressors and
 (iii) have to be expelled from the ship
 (iv) are best left to the decision and
judgement of the commander
 (d) Who could be the people on board the
supposed ship?
 (i) Those known to the author
 (ii) Catholics, Protestants and Jews
 (iii) People of all races arid creeds
 (iv) A group of wealthy people
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 (e) The author believes in
 (i) respect for authority
 (ii) unlimited freedom
 (iii) respecting the views of the superiors
 (iv) the infallibility of men.
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