Tuesday, December 22, 2015

B.Sc.(MICROBIOLOGY): MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY, Annamalai University Question Paper December

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
(10× 2 = 20)
1. S-Layer
2. Techoic acid
3. Unisym
4. Antiports
5. Chemiosmotic theory
6. Sporulation
7. Akinetes
8. Cysts
9. Heterocysts
10. Fermentation
11. Cyanobacteria
12. Autotrophs
13. Heterotrophs
14. Photosynthesis
15. Nif genes
 Answer ALL questions
(5× 7 = 35)
16. a. Briefly describe the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan.
b. Explain the structure of cell wall.

17. a. Write briefly about reproduction in fungi.
b. Elucidate the exospore formation in streptomyces.

18. a. Illustrate the reproductive physiology of microorganisms.
b. Give a short account on anaerobic respiration.

19. a. Discuss briefly about CO2 fixation.
b. Write a brief account on Calvin cycle.

20. a. Explain the reduction of sulphur and sulphate.
b. Briefly describe the oxidations of reduced sulphur.
 Answer any THREE questions
(3× 15 = 45)
21. Explain in detail about transport mechanism.
22. Discuss the endospore formation in Bacillus
23. Describe the anabolic and catabolic proceses of lipids.
24. Give an account on biological nitrogen fixation.
25. What is denitrification? Explain the reductions of nitrate and nitrite.
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