Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Annamalai University,B.Sc.(MICROBIOLOGY): FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY, Question Paper December

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
(10× 2 = 20)
1. What is meant by gangue?
2. How chromyl chloride is formed from potassium dichromate?
3. Distinguish between cast and wrought irons.
4. Define isomorphism.
5. Define ionic crystal. Give an example.
6. Why glass is called super cooled liquid?
7. Define the term hybridisation with an example.
8. Give four examples for aromatic compounds.
9. Trichloroacetic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid. Explain.
10. Give suitable examples for alkylation reaction.
11. What are aminoacids?
12. What are carbohydrates? Give two examples.
13. What is meant by peptide linkage?
14. Define activation energy.
15. Define half-life period of a reaction.
 Answer ALL questions
(5× 7 = 35)
16. a. How steel is manufactured by Bessemer process?
b. Explain the different process employed in the concentration of an ore.

17. a. What are silicones? Explain its structure and uses.
b. Describe the types, manufacturing methods and uses of glass.

18. a. Explain the optical isomerism in tartaric acid.
b. Explain the following with suitable examples. (i) cis-trans isomerism (ii) ketoenol

19. a. Discuss the properties of amino acids.
b. Explain the properties and uses of cellulose.

20. a. What are catalysed reactions? Explain its classification with examples.
b. Deduce Arrhenius equation and explain the concept of activation energy.
 Answer any THREE questions
(3× 15 = 45)
21. Write an account of the different stages involved in the extraction of a metal from its
22. What are silicates? Give its classifications and explain the various structures of
23. Explain the following
(i) Huckle’s rule of aromaticity.
(ii) Mechanism of nitration reaction.
24. How the structure of glucose is elucidated?
25. a) Explain briefly the factors influencing the rate of a chemical reaction. (5)
b) Deduce the integrated rate expression for a first-order reaction. (10)
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