Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Annamalai University Question Paper,B.Sc.(DIGITAL MEDIA) : MEDIA STUDIES

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any EIGHT questions
(8×5 = 40)
1. Explain briefly about the type of stories.
2. What is meant by created stories?
3. Explain the role of director.
4. Describe climax resolution.
5. What are the dramatic and psychological effects of camera angel and camera
6. Explain the function of dialogue.
7. What are types of films?
8. Explain the invention of cinematography.
9. Describe lighting styles.
10. What are the types of light?
 Answer any THREE questions
(3× 20 = 60)
11. Explain the history of live action and animated movies.
12. a) Explain the basic units of shots, scenes and sequences. (10)
b) Explain the organic structure of screenplay, idea and theme. (10)
13. a) Explain the role of sound in direction. (10)
b) Distinguish between Synchronous and Non-Synchronous sounds. (10)
14. a) Distinguish Analog vs Digital Image. (10)
b) Explain the compatibility and aspect ratio (10)
15. a) Explain the function of lights
(i) Key light (ii) Firr light (iii) Back light
b) Describe the handling reflective surfaces. (10)
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