Thursday, December 17, 2015

Annamalai University Question Paper December 2014 B.Sc.Electronic Science:Digital Electronics

Annamalai University question paper december 2014
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions
 1. What is the advantage of using Hexadecimal systems? Covert 7C9 hex to
2. Distinguish weighted and non-weighted codes.
3. Find the sum of minterms for function.
4. Explain SOP forms expressions.
5. Draw and explain a binary half adder.
6. Write short note on shift registers.
7. Explain the working of T-flip flop.
8. What are the drawbacks of variable resistor D/A convertor?
 Answer any FIVE questions
(5× 16=80 )
 9. What are the unique features of Boolean Algebra? State and prove
Demorgan’s theorem for any elements.
10. Implement the following Boolean expression using NAND gate only
i) y = A+ B C+AC and ii) y = (A+ B).( A+C)
11. Explain briefly K-map for four variable switching function with necessary
theory and table.
12. Draw and explain a 2’s complement adder and subtractor.
13. Explain a full subtractor circuit and find out it’s output. Show that how
it is realised using two half subtractors.
14. Draw and explain the working of clocked R-S flip flop using NAND gates.
15. Draw a 4-bit binary ripple counter and explain its working.
16. Explain briefly the binary ladder D/A converter and mention their
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