Thursday, December 17, 2015

B.Sc. Electronic Science: Electronic Circuits Annamalai University 2014 december Question Paper

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions
(5× 4 = 20)
 1. What are the advantages of negative feed back?
2. What do you understand by feed back? Explain how it provides feed back
in amplifiers.
3. Obtain a condition Dr thermal runway in power amplifier.
4. Explain the action of Differential Amplifier.
5. What is an oscillator? What is its need?
6. How will you fabricate IC-capacitors?
7. What is a voltage follower?
8. What are the characteristics of an ideal OP-AMP?
 Answer any FIVE questions
(5× 16 = 80)
 9. State the principle of Push-Pull amplifier and also explain its
construction and working.
10. Why is negative feed back employed in with gain amplifiers? With neat
circuit diagram explain the working of R-C coupled amplifiers.
11. Why are power amplifier classified on the basis of mode of operation?
How it differs from voltage amplifier? Explain the performance quantities
of power amplifiers.
12. What is a multivibrator? With neat sketch, explain the working of
monostable and bistable multivibrator.
13. Discuss the essentials or an oscillator. Explain the circuit operation of
Hartley’s oscillator.
14. What is an integrated circuit? How will you make a monolithic IC?
Explain how
 i) a diode ii) a transistor and
iii)a resistor can be constructed in a monolithic IC.
15. Explain the construction and working of JFET. What is the difference
between a JFET and a bipolar transistor.
16. What is an operational amplifier? Give the block diagram of an OP-AMP
and discuss the operation of non –inverting and inverting.
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