Sunday, November 22, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,3.6 : PHARMACOGNOSY – II,2013 Question Paper,Third Year B.Pharmacy,

University Of Pune Question Paper
Third Year B.Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :1) Answers to the any two Sections must be written in two separate
answer books.
2) Neat labelled diagrams and figures must be drawn wherever
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) All questions are compulsory.
1. Solve any one : 10
Explain classification and chemistry of Glycosides. Describe general methods
used for extraction of Glycosides.
Discuss general biosynthetic pathway of Terpenoids. Explain Pharmacognosy of
2. Solve any five : 15
i) Explain general method of extraction of Volatile oil.
ii) Write biological source, chemicals and uses of carnauba wax.
iii) Explain chemistry and chemical tests of digitalis Glycosides.
iv) Differentiate coriander and fennel morphologically and microscopically.
v) Explain preparation of different aloes.
vi) Discuss in short Pharmacognosy of Linseed oil.
vii) Explain general biogenetic pathway for lipids.
3. Write note on (any three) : 15
I) Tracer technique and its application.
II) Chemistry of saponins.
III) Shikimic acid pathway.
IV) Fixed oils and fats.
4. Solve any one : 10
Explain classification and chemistry of Resin. Discuss in detail Pharmacognosy
of Asafoetida.
Explain classification and chemistry of Tannin. Discuss in detail Pharmacognosy
of Ashoka.
5. Solve any five : 15
a) Explain general method or extraction of Tannin.
b) Write biological source, chemicals and uses of myrobalan.
c) Explain chemistry and chemical tests of capsicum.
d) Differentiate pale catechu with black catechu.
e) Explain supercritical fluid extraction technique.
f) How papain is isolated and prepared from its source ?
g) Explain methods of plant cell immobilization.
6. Write note on (any three) : 15
I) Mutation and polyploidy.
II) Shilajit.
III) Pyrethrum.
IV) Froth Floating Technique.

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