Saturday, November 14, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper,M.Sc. I (Semester – I),Paper – IV : Plant Pathology and Weed Management,2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
Paper – IV : Plant Pathology and Weed Management
Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions: 1) All Sections are compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from Section-II and III.
3) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from the given alternatives.
1) The bacteria are _________ organisms.
a) eukaryotic b) prokaryotic
c) karyotic d) all of these
2) Bacteria found in groups and spherical in shape are called
a) Diplococci b) Micrococci
c) Staphylococci d) Streptococci
3) The existence of virus as a definite entity was first indicated by
a) Iwanowsky b) Nocard and Roux
c) Louis Pasteur d) J. Lister
4) __________ is caused by virus.
a) Late blight of Potato b) Fruit rot of apple
c) Tobacco mosaic disease d) White rust of crucifer
5) __________ is caused by MLO’s.
a) Seed rot of groundnut b) Root rot of cabbage
c) Big bud of tomato d) Mosaic of bean
SLR-VP – 4 -2-
6) The plant body of fungus is called
a) Conidiophore b) Mycelium
c) Clestothecium d) Apothecium
7) The Fungus Rhizoctina bataticola causing hollow stem of Jowar enters through
_________ inside the host.
a) cuticle b) bud c) root hairs d) lesions
8) The transmission of chestnut blight fungus (Endotheca parasitica) is carried
over by
a) Birds b) Insects c) Squirels d) Fish
9) Sudden death of tissue or burning action of leaves is called
a) Curling b) Scorching c) Die back d) Chlorosis
10) ___________ weeds checks the flow of water in irrigation channels.
a) Parasitic b) Poisnous c) Aquatic d) None of these
11) Ploughing, uprooting are the __________ methods of weed control.
a) biological b) mechanical c) chemical d) none of these
12) Paraquat is __________ herbicide.
a) Selective b) Contact
c) Translocae d) None of these
13) The weed cyperus rotundus belongs to family
a) Pontaderaceae b) Poaceae
c) Cyperaceae d) Typhaceae
14) Prevention of the entry of any pathogen in any country by laws is called
a) introduction b) quarantine
c) acclimatization d) propagation
2. A) Describe the mechanism of infection by Fungal pathogen. 7
B) Describe in brief the factors involved in the development of disease epidemics. 7
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3. A) Describe in brief the microscopic methods of studying plant pathogens. 7
B) Describe the bacterial symptomology studied by you. 7
4. A) Define weed. Give the different mode of dispersal of weeds. 7
B) Give the Biological methods of weed control. 7
5. A) What is the role of enzymes in disease development ? 5
B) Give the symptoms caused by Viruses. 5
C) Give the diseases caused by MLO’s. 4
6. A) What is the impact of Pathogens on crops ? 5
B) Write about the dissemination of bacterial diseases. 5
C) Write a note on Parasitic weeds. 4
7. A) Give the molecular basis of disease diagnosis. 5
B) Give the classification of weeds on the basis of life cycle. 5
C) Write a note on storage fungi. 4
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