Saturday, November 14, 2015

M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II),Solapur University Question Paper,(CGPA Pattern) Paper – VI : Analytical Techniques for Agrochemicals,2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Paper – VI : Analytical Techniques for Agrochemicals
Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Total Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions :1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from Section II and III.
3) Figures to right indicate full marks.
4) Neat and labelled diagrams should be drawn.
1. Choose the most correct alternative and write the sentence : 14
i) Sub sample is obtained after some treatment like _______________
a) Reduction in particle size b) Oxidation
c) Increase in particle size d) Increase in concentration
ii) A polymer containing _______________ group acts as a cationic resin.
a) Phenolic b) Primary amine
c) Secondary amine d) Tertiary amine
iii) The fundamental requirement of an ion exchange resin is that it must be
a) Soluble in water b) Hydrophobic
c) Unstable d) Denser than water
iv) The pH range of methyl orange indicator is _______________
a) 7 – 10 b) 4 – 7 c) 3.1 – 4.4 d) 7.3 – 9.5
v) In gravimetric estimation of iron, ammonium _______________ reagent is
a) Fluoride b) Iodide c) Hydroxide d) Nitrate
SLR-VP – 6 -2-
vi) In gravimetric estimation of aluminium which reagent is used ?
a) Ammonia b) HCl
c) 8 – hydroxyquinoline d) Thiocyanate
vii) In gravimetric estimation of copper which reagent is used ?
a) Ammonium b) HCl
c) 8 – hydroxyquinoline d) Thiocyanate
viii) The conductance of an electrolyte solution is 1.0 × 10– 3 mhos. If the cell
constant is 0.5 its specific conductance _______________ its conductance.
a) Equal to b) Half of c) One fourth d) One tenth
ix) Quinhydrone is used in _______________ titration.
a) complexometric b) potentiometric
c) pH metric d) conductometric
x) The increase in conductance as the acetic acid titrated against NaOH is due
to replacement of H+
 by _______________ ions.
a) Cl–
b) CH3COO–
c) Na+ d) OH–
xi) Which is the second step of stripping analysis ?
a) Concentration b) Stripping c) Reduction d) Deposition
xii) In polarimetry the _______________ of the rotation of a plane polarized light
is measured.
a) Intensity b) Transmission
c) Angle d) Direction
xiii) In _______________ the difference in temperature is measured as a function
of either time or temperature.
a) AAS b) Flame photometry
c) DTA d) Voltammetry
xiv) To measure temperature in thermal analysis _______________ is used.
a) Thermometer b) Manometer
c) Thermocouple d) Furnace
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2. a) During solvent extraction of a metal as a complex discuss the various features
of a ligand. 7
b) Discuss the procedure of sample application and plate development of thin
layer chromatography. 7
3. a) Describe the determination of aluminium using EDTA by back titration method. 7
b) Describe the method of determining sulphate. 7
4. a) Describe the detailed procedure of striping voltametry using hanging mercury
drop electrode. 7
b) Describe the anodic stripping voltametric method of determining lead in tap
water. 7
5. a) Describe with neat sketch the construction and working of pre-mix burner
used in atomic absorption spectrophotometer. 5
b) Describe the flame photometric method of determining alkali metals. 5
c) Write short note on TGA. 4
6. a) Describe the procedure for polarimetric analysis of pesticides. 5
b) Give an account of experimental details of DTA. 5
c) Write short note on AAS analysis of food. 4
7. a) Describe in detail ion chromatography. 5
b) What are metallochromic indicators ? Discuss in detail. 5
c) How would you do the conductometric estimation of halides ? Describe in
detail. 4
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