Friday, March 3, 2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University MSC (Physics) II SEM Atomic & Molecular Physics [MSP204T] June 2021 Question Paper

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University

Master of Science (Physics)

Second Semester Main Examination, June-2021

Atomic & Molecular Physics [MSP204T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 85

Note: Attempt all questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) What are equivalent and non equivalent electron.

(b) What are the spectral terms and equivalent electrons example.


(a) Write the Thomas Fermi model.

(b) What are Hartree orbitals and hartree fock accurate.

Q.2 (a) Difference between hartree and hartree fock method.

(b) Why is hyperfine splitting smaller than fine splitting.


(a) What is Classical Mechanics symmetric top.

(b) What is difference between rigid and non rigid rotator.

Q.3 (a) Which type of diatomic molecules gives Vibration Spectra.

(b) How do you Calculate Vibration energy.


(e) What is Spectroscopy qualitative or quantitative.

(f) What is IR Spectroscopy used to determine.

Q.4 (a) What is Ultraviolet and their used for.

(b) What is difference between rotational and Vibration Spectroscopy.


(a) What is instrumentation techniques in a lab & instrumentation is important.

(b) What is the Principle of Photoelectron Spectroscopy.

Q.5 (a) Write the types of Photoelectron Spectroscopy & their application.

(b) Definition of PQ & R branches in vibrational rotation spectra.


(a) What is Vibration energy level.

(d) What is isomer shift in Mossbauer Spectroscopy & their uses.

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