Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University MTECH I SEM (SE) Design of Concrete Structures (MTSE 104) Dec 2020 Question Paper

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University

Master of Technology

First Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Design of Concrete Structures (MTSE 104)

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70

Note: (i) Attempt any five questions out of eight.

(ii) All question carry equal marks.

(iii) Assume suitable data if necessary and stale them clearly.

Q.1 (a) Write down step by step procedure for seismic analysis of a four strayed RC

building As per IS 1893 (Part-I): 2016 by equivalent static lateral force method.

(b) Write down components of flat slab construction with diagrams.

Q.2 (a) Design a rectangular tank of 6mX4mX3m size resting on firm ground.

(b) Discuss the design of underground water tanks.

Q.3 (a) What is prestressed concrete? What are different types of losses encountered in

prestressing concrete?

(b) a prestressed concrete beam of section 200X300mm is used over an effective

span of 6m to support an imposed load of 4KN/m. At central section of beam, find

the magnitude of an eccentric prestressing force located 90mm from the bottom of

the beam, which would nullify the bottom fibre stress due to loading.

Q.4 (a) Design a bunker of 2.5 X 2.5 X 3.0m (ht) to store coal. The height below bunker

(clearance) is 3.0m. Design the supporting column. (4 nos.) Also.

(b) Write down difference between bunker and silo.

Q.5 (a) Describe in details the design of flat slab by coefficient method of IS-456.

(b) Describe analysis of grid floor by Timoshenko’s plate theory.

Q.6 (a) Describe arrangements of live load on RCC framed of multistory building.

(b) Write down calculation of basic wind pressure for multistory building as per

IS- 875.

Q.7 (a) Describe in details on IRC loading for bridge design.

(b) Explain seismic waves.

Q.8 Write short notes on following- (Marks-3.5 each)

(a) Write short note on Janssen’s theory.

(b) Write down methods of post tensioning.

(c) Write short note on stress in anchorage zone.

(d) Explain minimum reinforcement and their spacing for water tank. 

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