Monday, January 30, 2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University BE IV SEM (EX) Digital Electronics Logic Design [EX226T] June 2021 Question Paper

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Engineering

Fourth Semester Main Examination, June-2021

Digital Electronics Logic Design [EX226T]


Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1. (a)State and explain Demerging’s theorem.

 (b)Design Excess-3 to BCD code converter? Design Binary to BCD

code converter?

Q. 2. (a)Draw and explain Half adder and full adder circuit.

 (b)Draw and describe the block diagram of PLA.

Q. 3. (a)What is universal gates? Implement all gates using NOR gate?

(b)What is encoder and decoder. Write important application of decoders.

Q. 4. (a)What is meant by the sequential circuit? Define latches and flip-flops.

Explain the application of flip-flops

(b)Explain the working of SR flip flop using suitable diagram and discuss

how it works as a latch?

Q. 5. (a)Discuss the working of D flip flop with the help of suitable diagram?

 (b)Explain the J-K flip flop with circuit diagram and truth table.

Q. 6. (a)Define memory? Explain random access memory with timing waveform

of memory cycle.

(b)What is a buffer register? What are the applications of counters and


Q. 7. (a)Write short notes on the ramp type A/D converter. What are the

Advantages and disadvantages of a dual slop A/D converter?

 (b)What is ROM? Classify and explain its type

Q. 8. (a)Write short notes on:- (i) PISO (ii) SIPO

 (iii)PIPO (iv)SISO

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