Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA I SEM Human Anatomy and Physiology-I [BP101T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

First Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Human Anatomy and Physiology-I [BP101T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note: (1) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

         (2) All questions of each part to be attempt at one place.

         (3) Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary.

 Part-A [1×20=20]

Note : Attempt all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions.

(i) In which part of an eye a pigment is present which is responsible for brown,

blue or black eyes?

(a) Cornea (b) Choroid

(c) Iris (d) Vitreous Body

(ii) The study of joints is known as _________

(a) Archaeology (b) Osteology

(c) Syndesmology (d) Arthrology

(iii) Name the tissues that are involved in the formation of membranes.

(a) Epithelial tissue (b) Nervous tissue

(c) Muscular tissue (d) Connective tissue

(iv) What is the name of the tissues which helps in protection and support of the


(a) Muscular tissue (b) Nervous tissue

(c) Connective tissue (d) Epithelial tissue

(v) Name the tissues which detect changes inside and outside the body and

respond by action potential?

(a) Epithelial tissue (b) Connective tissue

(c) Muscular tissue (d) Nervous tissue

(vi) Name the gland which controls blood pressure?

(a) Thalamus Gland (b) Adrenal Gland

(c) Thyroid Gland (d) Pancreas Gland

Page [2]

(vii) The renewal of skin is a good thing, because of skin sheds approximately 50

million cells

(a) Every second (b) Every day

(c) Every minute (d) Every week

(viii) The synovial joint are also known as _________

(a) Megablast (b) Periosteum

(c) Diarthrosis (d) Arthrois

(ix) Which of the following tissues helps in the movement of body structure?

(a) Nervous tissue (b) Muscular tissue

(c) Epithelial tissue (d) Connective tissue

(x) In which organ of the human body are the lymphocytes cells formed?

(a) Liver (b) Bone Marrow

(c) Pancreas (d) Spleen

(xi) The outermost part of the skin that is waterproof is known as

(a) Dermis (b) Receptors

(c) Sensory cell (d) Epidermis

(xii) Which of the following disease is associated with joints?

(a) Gout (b) Osteoporosis

(c) Arthritis (d) Tetany

(xiii) Group of cells, which is similar in structure and function are structured


(a) Organ System (b) Muscles

(c) Bone (d) Tissues

(xiv) Hinge joint is present between _______ and _______

(a) Femur and ulna (b) Humerus and ulna

(c) Femur and pectoral girdle (d) Femur and pelvic girdle

(xv) A human disorder cretinism is caused due to the under secretion of:

(a) Adrenalin hormone (b) Cortisone hormone

(c) Glucagon hormone (d) Thyroxin hormone

(xvi) Which of the following does not belong to the class of covering and lining


(a) Simple squamous epithelium (b) Glandular epithelium

(c) Simple cuboidal (d) Simple columnar

(xvii) Which cartilage is present at the joints of long bones?

(a) Calcified (b) Elastic

(c) Hyaline (d) Fibrous

(xviii) Name the epithelium which consists of two or more than two layers of cells

that protect the core tissues?

(a) Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium

(b) Simple columnar epithelium

(c) Stratified epithelium

(d) Simple cuboidal epithelium

(xix) Which of the following is the simplest amino acid?

(a) Glycine (b) Alanine

(c) Aspergine (d) Tyrosine

(xx) The layer under the epidermis that contains connective tissue, hair follicles,

sweat glands and nerve endings is known as

(a) Pore (b) Dermis

(c) Receptors (d) Sensory cell

 Part-B [2×10=20 Marks]

Long Answer type Question:-

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carry 10 mark.

Q.1 Explain the blood clotting mechanism with the factors and write a note on

blood group.

Q.2 Explain connective and nervous tissues

Q.3 Write a brief accommodation of eye balls.

 Part-C [5×7=35 Marks]

Short Answer type Question:-

Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carry 5 mark.

Q.1 Discuss about anatomy and physiology of human body and explain the basic

life processes.

Q.2 Write short note on Homeostasis.

Q.3 Explain the structure and function of epithelial tissue.

Q.4 Explain cells. Define structure and function of cells.

Q.5 Differentiate between cardiac and smooth muscles.

Q.6 Describe in detail level of structural organization of human body.

Q.7 Write the classification and Properties of nerve fibers.

Q.8 Define basic anatomical terminology and scope of anatomy and physiology

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