Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University BE Information Technology Data Mining & Warehousing [IT-841T] Aug-Sep 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University Old Question Papers

Bachelor of Engineering

Eighth Semester Main Examination, Aug-Sep 2020

Data Mining & Warehousing [IT-841T]

Branch- IT

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70

Note : 1. Attempt any five questions.

2. All question carry equal marks.

3. Answer should be precise & to be point only.

4. Assume suitable data if necessary & state them clearly.

Q.1 (a) How is a data warehouse different from a database? How are they similar to each other?

(b) Describe three data warehouse models -the enterprise warehouse, the data mart and the virtual


Q.2 (a) Discuss system development life cycle of a data warehouse. What factors should be considered

while designing a data warehouse?

(b) Describe star schema and snowflake schema with examples.

Q.3 (a) Why most data warehouse system support index structure? Discuss methods to index OLAP data.

(b) Discuss typical OLAP operations in brief.

Q.4 (a) Define OLAP. What are the four different types of OLAP server from implementation point of

view? Explain briefly.

(b) Discuss various issues in data mining.

Q.5 (a) What do you mean by data reduction? What are the strategies of the data reduction?

(b) Discuss the latest trends in association rule mining.

Q.6 (a) What do you mean by association rule mining? Give an example of market basket analysis from the real world.

(b) Specify the objective of image enhancement technique. What is contrast stretching?

Q.7 (a) What are the requirements of clustering in data mining?

(b) What is hierarchical clustering? Differentiate agglomerative and divisive hierarchical clustering.

Q.8 Explain briefly (Any three):

(i) Text mining (ii) Web usage mining

(iii) Spatial mining (iv) Web structure mining


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