Thursday, August 26, 2021

IGNOU B.Tech Civil Engineering ET-581(C) : BUILDING SERVICES June 2019 Question Paper

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Old Question Papers

No. of Printed Pages : 2 ET-581(C) 


Term-End Examination 

June, 2019 


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw sketches neatly, wherever required. 

1. Explain different methods of disposal of solid waste. 14 

2. '(a) What are coagulant aids ? How are they beneficial in water treatment ? 7 

(b) Explain the following : 7 

(i) BOD 

(ii) COD 

3. Discuss in detail how a tall building is protected against lightning. 14 

4. (a) Explain UPS. 7 

(b) What safety precautions are taken in Electrical Installations ? 7 

5. What are different types of elevators used for buildings ? Explain the operation of an elevator. 14 

6. (a) How can you design a lightning protection system ? Discuss. 7 

(b) Explain the different methods of Earthing. 7 

7. (a) What are the causes of corrosion in buildings ? 7 

(b) Discuss the process of dehumidification of moist air. 7 

8. Write short notes on the following : 4x 3/2 =14

(a) Air-conditioning 

(b) Staircase 

(c) Fire-fighting equipment 

(d) Plumbing 

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