Saturday, November 12, 2016

CS6703 Grid and Cloud Computing Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions

Anna University Chennai - Important Questions of CS6703 Grid and Cloud Computing
Seventh Semester
Department of Computer Science Engineering
CS6703 Grid and Cloud Computing
Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

You can collect here the 16 Marks Most Important Questions asked in previous years university examinations.

CS6703 Grid and Cloud computing

1. Briefly write about GPU computing and programming model
2. Explain in detail about grid architecture, its standards, and its elements
3. Explain (a) cluster architecture (b) Grid infrastructure.
4. Describe the multicore and multi-threading architecture
5. Explain in detail about OGSA Architecture
6. explain about the data intensive grid service models
7. Explain briefly about the various OGSA services.
8. Explain about the practical view of OGSA and OGSI
9. Explain briefly about the various implementation levels of virtualization?
10. Explain about Virtualization structure and show how virtualization is achieved in CPU,memory and I/O devices
11. Describe in detail about the cloud categories and its deployment models?
12. With a neat sketch , explain briefly the GT4 Architecture
13. Describe in detail about the Hadoop framework with a neat diagram ?
14 Explain the concepts of Mapreduce, Configure and running a job in Hadoop ?
15. Explain hadoop file system(HDFS)
16. Explain briefly about Grid Security Infrastructure?
17. Describe in detail about the IAM architecture and its practices in cloud.
18. Write about the various key privacy issues in the cloud?
19. Write about Authorization and Delegation in Grids?
20. Explain in detail about application level security in
i) SaaS
ii) PaaS
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