Saturday, March 19, 2016

ANU M.Sc Physics Paper IV Electronics May 2015 Question Paper

University: ANU Question Paper
(DPHY 04)
M.Sc. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY - 2015
First Year
Paper – IV Electronics
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Answer Any Five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1) a) What are the parameters of an OP. amp. Explain them.
b) An Op. amp. has a slow rate of 4V/μs and peak output swing of 10V. Find the full power bandwidth.
2) a) What is the principle of oscillator? Discuss the working of phase shift oscillator.
b) If R = 20 k and C = 1000 PF then find the frequency of Wien-bridge oscillator.
3) a) What is the principle of magnetion? Explain.
b) What are the applications of magnetion?
4) a) What is amplitude modulation? What are the advantages of balanced modulator over the conventional amplitude modulation systems?
b) Explain the propagation of waves in free space.
5) a) What is demultiplexer? Explain its operation.
b) Explain the working of JK flip-flop. How is it converted to master-slove JK flip-flop.
6) a) State and prove De Morgan’s Theorems.
b) What is the procedure to apply De Morgan’s Theorem?
7) Draw the functional block diagram of 8085 μP and explain each block in detail.
8) Discuss the classification of 8085 μp instruction set. Write a simple program for addition of ten bytes with the help of flow chart.
9) Write any Two of the following:
a) Classification of power amplifiers.
b) Frequency modulation.
c) Counter type A/D convertor.
d) Sample and hold circuit.


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