Wednesday, February 24, 2016

MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++: Syllabus and Lecture Notes PDF

Would like to download Syllabus and Lecture Notes of MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++  for your MCA course under Anna University ? Here is the solution to you. You can get here syllabus as well as lecture notes in PDF format.

Anna University Chennai
Department of Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Second Semester
MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Syllabus and Lecture Notes

Syllabus of MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ 

MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming using C++ L-T-P: 3-1-0
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of object oriented programming.

UNIT I: (10 Hours)
Introduction to object oriented programming, user defined types, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Getting started with C++ - syntax, data-type, variables, strings, functions, exceptions and statements, namespaces and exceptions operators. Flow control, functions, recursion. Arrays and pointers, structures.

UNIT II: (10 Hours)
Abstraction Mechanisms: Classes, private, public, constructors, destructors, member functions, static members, references etc. class hierarchy, derived classes. Inheritance: simple inheritance, polymorphism, object slicing, base initialization, virtual functions.

UNIT III: (12 Hours)
Prototypes, linkages, operator overloading, ambiguity, friends, member operators, operator function, I/o operators etc. Memory management: new, delete, object copying, copy constructors, assignment operator, this Input/Output. 
Exception handling: Exceptions and derived classes function exception declarations, Unexpected exceptions.
Exceptions when handling exceptions, resource capture and release etc.

UNIT – IV: (8 Hours)
Templates and Standard Template library: template classes declaration, template functions, namespaces, string, iterators, hashes, iostreams and other type.
Design using C++ design and development, design and programming, role of classes.

Text Book:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, Object-Oriented Programming in C++. 4 ed, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Ashok N. Kamthane, Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI & Turbo C++, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C++. 4 ed, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Bjarne Stroustrup, Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. 4 ed, AddisonWesley.

Course Outcomes:
1. Familiar to map real world problems into the Programming language using objects.
2. Can solve the problems in systematic way using class and method paradigms.
3. Efficiently implement linear, nonlinear data structures and various searching and  sorting techniques.
4. Efficiently implement Exception handling techniques.

Download Lecture Notes of MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++

Have a look at the contents included in this lecture notes below. You can download it in PDF style from the link provided after the list of topics here.
1.1 Features
1.2 Advantages
1.3 Uses of OOP
2.1 pre-defined streams
2.2 stream classes
2.3 Typecasting
3.1 Parts of C++ program
3.2 Token
3.3 Data types in C++
3.3.1 Basic data types
3.3.2 Derived data type
3.3.3 User defined data type
3.3.4 Void data type
3.4 Operators in C++
4.1 Passing Arguments
a) Call by value(pass by value)
b) Call by address(pass by address)
c) Call by reference(pass by reference)
4.2 Default Arguments
4.3 Inline functions
4.4 Function overloading
4.5 Library function
4.6 Const Argument
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Declaring objects
5.3 Defining member function
5.4 Declaring member function outside the class
5.5 Static member variable
5.6 Static member function
5.7 Static object
5.8 Object as function arguments
5.8.1 pass-by value
5.8.2 pass-by reference
5.8.3 pass by address
5.9 Friend function
5.10 Friend classes
5.11 Constant member function
5.12 Recursive member function
5.13 Member function & non-member function
5.14 Overloading member function
5.15 Overloading main() function
5.16 Indirect recursion
6.1 Constructor with Arguments
6.2 Constructor overloading
6.3Constructor with default Argument
6.5 Copy Constructor
6.6Const Object
6.7 Destructor
6.8 Qualifier & Nested classes
6.9 Anonymous object
6.10 Private Constructor and Destructor
6.11 main() as constructor & destructor
6.12 Local vs Global Object
7.1 Types of Inheritance
 7.1.1 Single Inheritance
 7.1.2 Multiple Inheritance
 7.1.3 Hierarchical Inheritance
 7.1.4 Multilevel Inheritance
 7.1.5 Hybrid Inheritance
 7.1.6Multipath Inheritance
7.2 Container class
7.3 Abstract class
7.4 Common constructor
7.5Pointer & Inheritance
 7.6 Overloading Member function
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Overloading Unary operator
8.3 Overloading binary operator using friend function
8.4 Overloading increment & decrement operator
8.5 Overloading special operator
8.6 Overloading function call operator
8.7 Overloading class member access operator
8.8 Overloading comma operator
8.9 Overloading stream operator
8.10 Overloading extraction & insertion operator
9.1 Void pointer
9.2 Wild pointer
9.3 Class pointer
9.4 Pointer to derived & base classes
9.5 Binding , polymorphism
9.6 Virtual function
9.7 Pure virtual function
9.8 Object slicing
9.10 New & delete operator
9.11 Dynamic object
9.12 heap
9.13 Virtual destructor
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Exception handling mechanism
10.3 Multiple catch statements
10.4 Catching multiple exception
10.5 Rethrowing an exception
10.6 Specifying exception
10.7 Exceptions in constructor & destructors
10.8 Controlling uncaught exception
10.8.1 Terminate function
10.8.2 Set-terminate function
10.9 Exception & inheritance
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Need Of Template
11.3 Normal Function Template
11.4 Member Template Function
11.5 Working Of Function Templates:
11.6 Overloading Of Template Functions :
11.7 Exception Handling With Class Template:
11.8 Class Templates With Overloaded Operators :
11.9 Class Template And Inheritance:
11.10 Difference Between Templates And Macros:
11.11 Guidelines For Templates
12.1 namespace Scope:
12.2 namespace Declaration:
12.3 Accessing elements of a name space:
12.4 Nested namespace:
12.5 Anonymous namespaces:
12.6 Function In namespace:
12.7 Classes in namespace:
12.8 namespace Alias:
12.9 explicit Keyword :
12.10 mutable keyword:
12.11 Manipulating Strings:
12.12 Manipulating String Objects:
12.13 Relational Operator:
12.14 Accessing Characters In String:
13.1 Component of STL
 13.1.1 Containers
 13.1.2 Algorithm
 13.1.3 Iterator
13.2 Types of containers
 13.2.1 Sequence Containers
 13.2.2 Associative Container
 13.2.3 Derived Container
13.3 Algorithm
13.4 Iterator 

Download Link of MCA-108 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Lecture Notes:

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