Tuesday, January 5, 2016

VTU B.E Mech Mechanical Measurements and Metrology 2015 Question Paper

VTU Question Paper
Department of Mechanical
B.E. Degree Examination
Third Semester
Mechanical  Measurements and Metrology
June / July 2015 Question Paper
Max. Marks:100
Time: 3 Hours

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2015
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part.
1 a. Define the term metrology. List and explain the objectives of metrology. (10 Marks)
b. Explain with neat sketch: i) Imperial standard yard ii) International prototype meter. (10 Marks)
2 a. Determine the tolerances on the hole and the shaft for a precision running bit designated by 50H7G6. Given: (12 Marks)
i) 50mrn lies between 30-50mm ii) i(microns) = 0.45(0)113 + 0.0010
iii) Fundamental deviation for 'g' shaft = _2.50°·34 iv) IT7 = 16i v) IT6 = 10i.
b. Explain with neat sketches hole basis system and shaft basis system. (08 Marks)
3 a. Explain with a neat sketch the working of sigma comparator.
b. Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of a LVDT.
4 a. Explain with a neat sketch, Auto collimator. (10 Marks)
b. What are the various characteristics that you would measure in a screw thread? Explain 3 wire method of measuring effective diameter of screw thread. (10 Marks)

5 a. With a block diagram, explain generalized measuring system with examples.
b. Define the following terms i) Calibration ii) Sensitivity iii) iv) Repeatability v) Accuracy. vi) Hysterisis

6 a. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a CRO.
b. With a neat sketch, explain X - Y plotter and list the advantages.

7 a. With a neat sketch, explain 'Hydraulic Dynomometer'.
b. With a neat sketch McLeod gauge.

8 a. What is a Thermocouple? State the laws of Thermocouple.
b. Sketch and explain the working principle of optical pyrometer.

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