Are you a student of Dr. MGR University ? Searching for old question papers of B.Pharm course ? You can here download B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry question papers for the year 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. In each year, the two terms such as Feb and August question papers are given. Thus, you will have here totally 10 set of question papers for Paper IV Biochemistry.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry February 2011 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR UniversityFEBRUARY 2011
[KY 760] Sub. Code : 4254
(Regulations 2009)
(Candidates admitted from 2009–10)
Q. P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 80 marks
I. Essay Questions : Answer any TWO questions. (2 x 20 = 40)
1. (a) What are lipids? Classify them with examples.
(b) Describe the - b oxidation of fatty acids write the energetics for palmitic acid oxidation.
2. (a) Describe in detail about glycolysis with energetics and its regulation.
(b) Explain the structure of haemoglobin.
3. (a) Define enzyme and discuss the various types of enzyme inhibition with suitable examples.
(b) Describe the renal functions tests in brief.
II. Write short notes : Answer any SIX questions. (6 x 5 = 30)
1. Transport process across cell membrane.
2. Essential aminoacids.
3. Mechanism of enzyme action.
4. Prostaglandins.
5. Vitamin K.
6. Genetic code.
7. Nucleoprotein.
8. Biochemical role of calcium and iron.
III. Short Answers : Answer any FIVE questions. (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Define coenzymes and give examples.
2. Define gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis.
3. Racemic mixture and invert sugar.
4. Define hyperbili rubinaemia.
5. Deficiency disease of vitamin D and niacin.
6. Explain the term BMR.
7. Digestion of carbohydrates.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry August 2011 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR UniversityAugust 2011
[KZ 4254] Sub. Code: 4254
Q.P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. LONG ESSAYS (2 x 20 = 40)
1. What are carbohydrates? Classify. Describe the Hexose Monophosphate shunt pathway and add a note on metabolic significance. (2+4+10+4)
2. What are enzymes? Classify, discuss its mechanism of action and also enzymes of clinical importance. (2+4+8+6)
II. SHORT NOTES (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Prostaglandins.
2. Structure and functions of hemoglobin.
3. Denaturation.
4. Structure of t-RNA.
5. Phospholipids.
6. Ketone bodies.
7. Briefly discuss the composition of DNA with a suitable diagram.
8. Biochemical functions of vitamin E.
III. SHORT ANSWERS (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Name any two markers of liver function.
2. Saponification number.
3. Thalassemia.
4. What is protein efficiency ratio (PER)? Give PER value for egg protein?
5. Hypernatremia.
6. Hyperthyroidism.
7. Atherosclerosis.
8. Nucleotides.
9. Expand LDH and ACTH and write two sentences about it.
10. Give any two sources of vitamin D.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry February 2012 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR UniversityFebruary 2012
(LA 4254) Sub. Code: 4254
Q.P. Code: 564254
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 20 = 40)
1. (a) Write in detail about the co-enzyme form, biochemical function, deficiency diseases of thiamine.
(b) Discuss the metabolism of calcium.
2. (a) Classify the proteins with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the reaction of gluconeogenesis.
II. Write notes on: (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Write down the reaction of β-oxidation.
2. Make a note on the biochemistry of urine.
3. Discuss the functions of Thyroid hormone.
4. Describe any two functional tests of liver.
5. Brief account of genetic engineering.
6. Ketosis.
7. Nucleic acids.
8. Dietary fibers.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Structure of Vitamin A.
2. Ketone bodies.
3. Proteinuria.
4. Electrophoresis.
5. Insulin.
6. Macromolecules.
7. Phospholipids.
8. Identification tests for amino acids.
9. Lipids.
10. Anemia.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry August 2012 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LB 4254) AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 4254
Q.P. Code: 564254
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
(180 Min) Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
1. Define lipids. Name the essential fatty acids. Explain the pathway of beta-oxidation of palmitic acid. Add a note on its energitics. 19 33 20
2. What are vitamins, Classify them. Explain the sources, chemistry, functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin A. 19 33 20
II. Write notes on:
1. Ribonucleic acid (RNA). 3 8 5
2. Absorption of glucose. 3 8 5
3. Iso enzymes. 3 8 5
4. Gluconeogenesis. 3 8 5
5. Insulin. 3 8 5
6. Functions of iron. 3 8 5
7. Porphyrins. 3 8 5
8. Classification of proteins. 3 8 5
III. Short Answers:
1. Define transamination. 1 5 2
2. Define BMR. 1 5 2
3. Name the bile salts. 1 5 2
4. What is ADH? What is its function? 1 5 2
5. Mention two reactions in which NADH participates. 1 5 2
6. Draw structure of immunoglobulins. 1 5 2
7. Define anaemia. 1 5 2
8. What is heparin? Function? 1 5 2
9. Define glycogenesis. 1 5 2
10. What are allostearic enzymes? Give examples. 1 5 2
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry February 2013 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LC 4254) FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 4254
Q.P. Code: 564254
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
(180 Min)
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 20 = 40 marks)
1. What is glycogen? Explain the process of glycogen breakdown and glycogen synthesis. (Glycogenolysis and glycogenesis) (2 + 9 +9)
2. Explain the various types of enzyme inhibition with suitable examples and lineweaver-burke’s plots.
II Short Notes (8 x 5 = 40 marks)
1. Essential aminoacids
2. Immunoglobulins
3. Niacin and its coenzyme function
4. Lipoproteins
5. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
6. Deoxy Ribonucleic acid (DNA)
7. Cholesterol
8. Jaundice
III Short answers (10x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Define a cell. Mention its functions
2. Name the enzymes of clinical significance
3. What is inulin? Mention its function
4. What is the significance of HMP shunt.
5. Name the phospholipids. Mention any two functions
6. Classify immunoglobulins. Give functions of any two
7. What is xerophthalmia
8. Name the group II hormones
9. Give any two differences between DNA and RNA
10. What is creatinine clearance test?
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry August 2013 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LD 4254) AUGUST 2013 Sub Code: 4254
Q.P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Elaborate on: (2X20=40)
1. a) Write the source, functions, deficiency manifestations of vitamin-B6 and riboflavin.
b) Define hyperbilirubinaemia? Explain its types, causes and treatment.
2. Define HMP Shunt? Explain it in detail with its significance & reactions? Briefly explain about glycogen storage diseases.
II. Write notes on: (8X5=40)
1. Explain about mutation and its types
2. Nitrogen balance
3. List out the liver function tests & explain about any one
4. Vitamin E properties and functions
5. Biosynthesis of Porphyrins
6. Significance of TCA Cycle
7. Coenzyme functions of pyridoxine
8. Classification of enzymes
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Functions of thyroid hormones – any four
2. Define gluconeogenesis and glycolysis
3. Name any two reduction potentials & its functions
4. Peroxisomal oxidation
5. Hydrolysis of pattern of starch
6. List out the abnormal constituents of urine
7. Define about allosteric inhibition with one example
8. Define trace elements with examples
9. Causes of ketosis
10. Scurvy
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry February 2014 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LE 4254) FEBRUARY 2014 Sub Code: 4254
Q.P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Elaborate on: (2X20=40)
1. a) Write detail about the sources, chemistry, biochemical role, daily requirements and deficiency manifestations of vitamin B
b) Coenzymes forms and biochemical synthesis of pyridoxine.
2. a) Give a brief account of the different transport process across biomembranes.
b) Describe the citric acid cycle with energetic.
II. Write notes on: (8X5=40)
1. Write notes on nucleoproteins.
2. Describe the michaelis – menten equation.
3. Brief account of genetic engineering.
4. Clinical applications of enzymes.
5. Classify lipids with suitable examples.
6. Explain the role of immunoglobulins.
7. Discuss the structure of DNA.
8. Abnormal constituents of urine.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Basal metabolic rate.
2. Isoenzymes.
3. Codons.
4. Phenylketonuria
5. Structure of sulphur containing amino acids.
6. What are the functions of Vitamin K?
7. Difference between reducing sugars and non reducing sugars.
8. Transport systems.
9. Define nitrogen balance.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry August 2014 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LF 4254) AUGUST 2014 Sub Code: 4254
Q.P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All Questions
I. Essay: (2X20=40)
1. Write the definition, location, importance, reactions of gluconeogenesis.
2. Write briefly on the laboratory investigations employed to assess liver function.
II. Short notes: (8X5=40)
1. Ketone Bodies.
2. Bio chemical functions, sources, diseases status of sodium.
3. Write on account of the anterior pituitary hormones.
4. Mutations.
5. Thiamine.
6. Factors affecting enzyme activity.
7. Write down the reactions of β-oxidation.
8. Renal function tests.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Digestion of protein.
2. Define hyper bilirubinaemia.
3. FAD.
4. Give the structure of vit D and pyridoxine
5. Mutarotation.
6. What are called macromolecules?
7. Atherosclerosis.
8. Define glycogenesis and glycogenolysis.
9. What are the factors that regulate plasma calcium level?
10. Sodium pump.
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry February 2015 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University(LG 4254) FEBRUARY 2015 Sub Code: 4254
Q.P. Code : 564254
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Essays: (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) Define an equation to show that the velocity of enzyme catalyzed reaction is dependent on the substrate concentration.
b) Explain enzyme inhibition with examples.
2. What are proteins? Classify them with examples and describe the biosynthesis of proteins.
II. Short notes: (8 x 5 = 40)
1. β oxidation of fatty acids.
2. Biochemical role of calcium and iron.
3. Mention the biological significance of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
4. t-RNA.
5. Write on account of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the body.
6. Write the physical, chemical properties, structure of hemoglobin.
7. Insulin.
8. Explain glycogenolysis.
III. Short answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Write the structure and functions of cholesterol
2. Functions of nucleic acids
3. Substrate specificity
4. Biochemical functions of vit E
5. Hemolytic jaundice
6. Fatty liver
7. Define transamination
8. Identification tests for proteins
9. Saponification number
10. Other names of glycolysis
Dr. MGR University First Year B.Pharm Paper IV Biochemistry August 2015 Question Paper Download
Dr. MGR University[LH 4254] AUGUST 2015 Sub. Code: 4254
Q.P. Code: 564254
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All Questions
I. Essay: (2 x 20 = 40)
1. a) Write the classification of amino acids with examples and also write a note on the properties of amino acids.
b) Write a note on the different levels of organization of Protein structure.
2. Describe TCA cycle. Give the significance, energetics, regulation and other names of TCA cycle.
II. Short notes : (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Starch.
2. Phospholipids.
3. Isoenzymes.
4. Differences between DNA and RNA.
5. Diabetes mellitus.
6. Adrenal gland Hormones.
7. BMR and factors affecting BMR.
8. Genetic engineering.
III. Short answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Name the Immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and which is released in allergic reactions.
2. Name two reducing Disaccharides.
3. What is Heparin and give its function?
4. Types of Thalassemia.
5. Beri-beri.
6. Name the Protein Energy Malnutrition disorders.
7. Mutations.
8. cAMP.
9. Formation of Acetyl CoA from Pyruvate.
10. How many ATPs will Glucose and Palmitic acid give respectively, on complete oxidation?
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