Sunday, January 10, 2016

Dr. MGR University Question Paper,Paper II – OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY,THIRD M.B.B.S.PART - I,2012 Question Paper

Dr. MGR University Question Paper
Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations
Q. P. Code : 524072
Time : Three hours Maximum: 40 Marks
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on :
 1. Discuss the aetiopathology, of malignant tumors of the maxilla.
 Add a note on investigations and its surgical management (10)
 2. Discuss in etiology, clinical features, and management of StictureOesophagus. ( 7.5)
II. Write notes on: (10 x 1.5 = 15)
1. Benign tumours of the larynx.
2. Acute Mastoiditis.
3. Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
4. Epistaxis.
5. Sphenoid sinus.
6. Parapharyngeal space.
7. Clinical Otosclerosis
8. Otomycosis
9. Nasal Septal perforation.
 10. Surgical management of Atrophic rhinitis.
III. Short Answers on : (15 x 0.5 = 7.5)
1. Antrochoanal polyp.
2. Keratosis tonsil.
3. Intratympanic Muscles.
4. Referred otalgia.
5. Oral submucous fibrosis.
6. Septoplasty.
7. Rhinolalia Clausa.
8. Tuning fork tests.
9. Glue ear.
10. Retro pharyngeal abscess.
11. Extra cranial complications of chronic suppurative otitits media.
12. Ethmoidal polyposis.
13. Malignant otitis externa.
14. Vocal nodule.
15. Stapes.
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