Friday, January 22, 2016

CSJM University B.A Economics Model Question Paper

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJM) Question Paper
Kanpur University Model Question Paper
Subject- Economics (1st Paper)
Time: 02:00 Hrs.
B.A. – 1st Year
Maximum Marks: 50
All Questions are compulsory, Each questions carries ½ marks, This question paper consists of 100 objective-type questions.
1. The definition of economics based unlimited ends and scave means is given by
A Marshall B Pigou
C Bobbins D J.K. Mehta

2. Which one of the following is not one of the basic economic problem.
A What to produce? B Who to produce for?
C How to produce? D How to minimize economic growth?

3. When total utility is maximum then marginal utility is
A Zero B Unit
C Infinite D None ot the above

4. The profounder of revealed preference theorem is
A Pareto B Howtery
C Samuelson D Hicks

5. Which of the following equations is not correct
A N 2 N 1 MU TU TU + + = −
C n n-1 MU = TU − TU D TU = ΣMU

6. In difference curve analysis is base on
A cardinal utility analysis B Ordinal utility Analysis
C Cost Analysis D Profit Analysis

7. The slope of demand curve is
A Negative B Positive
C Parallel to Y- Axis D Parallel to X- Axis

8. The cross elasticity of demand in case of substitutes
A Positive B Negative
C Zero D Unit

9. Economics in scale means
A Decrease in per unit production cost
B Decrease in per unit distribution cost
C Increase in per unit production cost
D Increase in total cost of production

10. Which of the following equation is correct

11. The demand curve in perfect competition is
A Lost elastic B More elastic
C Perfectly elastic D perfectly inelastic

12. The concept of monopolistic competition was given by
A J.M. Keynes B J.S. Mill
C J.R. Hicks D E.H. Champerlin

13. In monoply the average revenue curve (AR)
A bends downwards towards the right
B is parallel to Y axis
C is parallel to X axis
D is a rectangular hyperbola

14. In long sum the monopolist gets
A Normal profit B Super normal profit
C Loss D All of the above

15.The rate at which the consumer can trade one good for another is termed as
A Marginal rate of substitution in exchange
B Marginal rate of substitution in consumption
C Marginal rate of substitution in production
D Marginal rate of substitution in distribution

16. lIn case of marginal land
A Average Cost = Price B Average Cost > Price
C Average Cost < Price D None of the above

17. lThe marginal wages and average wages are equal
A In perfect competition B In Monopoly
C In Monopolistic competition D All the above

18. Gross Interest includes
A Reward for risk B reward for management
C Reward for inconvenience D All of the above

19. The propounde of 'innovation theory of profit' was
A Wick steed B David Recardo
C Paul Samuelson D Schumpeter

20. Match the following books of economics with their authors.
1- Wealth of nations A. Schumpeter
2- Principles of political economy and taxation B. Joan Robinson
3- The economics of imperfect competitions C. David Richards
4- The Business Cycles D. Adam Smith
A 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C B 1B, 2A, 3C, 4D
C 1D, 2C, 3B, 4A D 1C, 2D, 3A, 4B
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