Thursday, January 7, 2016

CS6403 Software Engineering Important Questions 2015

Anna University Chennai
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603203.
Year & Semester : IV
Section : CSE - 1 & 2
Subject Code : CS6403
Subject Name : Software Engineering
Degree & Branch : B.E & CSE

1. What is software engineering?
2. What is Software?
3. Write out the reasons for the Failure of Water Fall Model.
4. What are the characteristics of the software?
5. What are the various categories of software?
6. What are the challenges in software?
7. Define software process
8. What are the fundamental activities of a software process?
9. What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
10. What are the merits of incremental model?
11 List the task regions in the Spiral model.
12. What are the drawbacks of spiral model?
13. List out the available software risk.
14. List the process maturity levels in SEIs CMM.
15. What is COCOMO model?
16 .Define Reactive and proactive risk strategies.
17. What is meant by LOC and FP based estimation?
18. Define earned value analysis.
19. What is the difference between the “Known Risks” and Predictable Risks”?
20. what is CASE?

1. Explain iterative waterfall and spiral model for software life cycle and various activities.
2. Elaborate COCOMO model?
3. Explain in detail about the software project management.
4. Explain in detail about the life cycle process.
5. Explain in detail about risk projection.
6. Write a note on Taxonomy of CASE tools.
7. what is an ICASE and give the role of repository in ICASE environment?
8. Narrate project scheduling in detail.
9. Explain System Engineering & its Hierarchy.
10. Develop an own application based on any of the life cycle models.
1. What is requirement elicitation?
2. Name the Evolutionary process Models.
3. What are the Objectives of Requirement Analysis?
4. What is requirement engineering?
5. What are the various types of traceability in software engineering?
6. Define Petri Net.
7. What are the Requirements Engineering Process Functions?
8. What are the benefits of prototyping?
9. What are the prototyping approaches in software process?
10.What are the Difficulties in Elicitation?
11.What are the advantages of evolutionary prototyping?
12.What are the various Rapid prototyping techniques?
13.What is the use of User Interface prototyping?
14.What is System Modeling?
15.What are the characteristics of SRS?
16.What are the objectives of Analysis modeling?
17.What is data modeling?
18.What is a data object?
19.What are attributes?
20.What is data dictionary?
1. Explain in detail about Functional and non functional user requirements.
2. Explain in detail about Functional and non functional system requirements.
3. Explain in detail about data modeling.
4. Explain about Requirement Engineering.
5. Explain the prototyping approaches in software process.
6. Explain classical analysis.
7. Explain Functional models
8. Explain behavioral models
9. Write note on structured analysis & data dictionary
10. Explain in detail about software document.

1. What are the elements of Analysis model?
2. What are the elements of design model?
3. How the Architecture Design can be represented?
4. Define design process.
5. List the principles of a software design.
6. What is the benefit of modular design?
7. What is a cohesive module?
8. What are the different types of Cohesion?
9. What is coupling?
10.What are the various types of coupling?
11.What are the common activities in design process?
12.What are the benefits of horizontal partitioning?
13.What is vertical partitioning?
14.What are the advantages of vertical partitioning?
15.What are the various elements of data design?
16.List the guidelines for data design.
17.Name the commonly used architectural styles.
18.What is Transform mapping?
19. Differentiate hard real time & soft real time systems
20. Define product Engineering
1. Explain in detail the design concepts.
2. Explain the design principles.
3. Explain the design steps of the transform mapping.
4. Explain in detail about the real time systems.
5. Explain in detail about SCM.
6. Explain about user interface design
7. Brief about real time executives
8. Explain about Data acquisition systems
9. Narrate User interface design
10. Write note on monitoring and control system.
1. What is SCM?
2. What is SCI?
3. Define software testing?
4. Define Smoke Testing?
5. What are the objectives of testing?
6. What are the testing principles must be applied while performing the software testing?
7. Define White Box Testing?
8. What are the two levels of testing?
9.What are the various testing activities?
10.Write short note on black box testing.
11.What is equivalence partitioning?
12.What is Regression Testing?
13.What is a boundary value analysis?
14.What are the reasons behind to perform white box testing?
15.What is cyclomatic complexity?
16.Distinguish between verification and validation.
17.What are the various testing strategies for conventional software?
18.Write about drivers and stubs.
19.What are the approaches of integration testing?
20.What are the advantages and disadvantages of big-bang?
1. Explain the types of software testing.
2. Explain in detail about Black box testing.
3. Explain about the software testing strategies.
4. Explain in detail about Integration testing.
5. Explain in detail about system testing.
6. Explain on taxonomy of testing and testing boundary condition
7. Explain regression testing
8. Explain system testing and debugging
9. Explain Software implementation techniques
10. Explain structural testing.
1. Define debugging.
2. What are the common approaches in debugging?
3. Write about the types of project plan.
4. Define measure.
5. Define metrics.
6. What is meant by Make/Buy decision?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of size measure?
8. Write short note on the various estimation techniques.
9. What is the Objective of Formal Technical Reviews?
10.What is COCOMO II model?
11.Give the procedure of the Delphi method.
12.What is the purpose of timeline chart?
13.What is EVA?
14.What are the metrics computed during error tracking activity?
15.Why software change occurs?
16.Write about software change strategies.
17.Define RFP risk Management.
18.What is risk scheduling and tracking?
19.Define RMMM.
20.What are the types of software maintenance?

1. Explain about software cost estimation.
2. Explain in detail about COCOMO II model.
3. Explain in detail about Delphi Method.
4. Explain in detail about software Maintenance.
5. Explain about RMMM.
6. Elaborate FP and Loc based estimation.
7. Explain scheduling and error tracking
8. Explain about project planning
9. Explain about risk management
10. Explain on software configuration management.
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