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2010 to 2015 Question Papers Paper I SURGERY I Dr. MGR University

Dr. MGR University  August 2010 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[KX 1239] Sub. Code: 1239
(Regulations 2004-2005 onwards)
(Pattern – 5)
Paper I – SURGERY - I
Q.P. Code : 581239
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)
 1. Describe Etiology, Classification, Pathology, Clinical features and Management of
 2. Write the Types, Clinical features, Pathophysiology, Metabolic changes and effects of
 Burns. Write the causes of Death in Burns.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
 1. What is Felon’s? Write the Surgical anatomy, causes, clinical features and investigation
 of Felon.
 2. Volkmann’s Ischemic Contracture.
 3. Write about Aneurysms.
 4. Write about Venous Ulcer.
 5. What is Cyst? Classify cyst, write the clinical features, effects and complication of Cyst.
 6. Vitamin A Deficiency.
 7. External Hordeolum or Stye.
 8. Management of Shock.
 9. Proptosis.
10. Difference between Benign and Malignant Tumour.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
 1. Hypertrophic Scar.
 2. Diabetic Ulcer.
 3. Dermoid Cyst.
 4. Ganglion.
 5. What is Sinus?
 6. Cellutitis.
 7. Frost Bite.
 8. Thrombophlebitis.
 9. Claw hand.
10. Argyll Robertson pupil sign.

Dr. MGR University  August 2011 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[KZ 1239] Sub. Code : 1239
Paper I - SURGERY - I
Q.P. Code : 581239
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions (2 x 15 = 30)
1. What is SHOCK? Explain the various types of shock, its aetiology, clinical feature
and its management.
2. Explain in detail about REFRACTIVE ERRORS and its Management
II. Short Notes (10 x 5 = 50)
 1. Rule of Nine.
 2. Glaucoma.
 3. Inguinal Hernia.
 4. Types of Haemorrhage.
 5. Cyst.
 6. Cataract.
 7. Deep Vein Thrombosis.
 8. Ulcer.
 9. Lymphoma.
 10. Gangrene.
III. Short Answers (10 x 2 = 20)
 1. Stye.
 2. Von Recklinghausen disease.
 3. Salmon Patch.
 4. Cystic Hygroma.
 5. Acute Paronychia.
 6. Fistula.
 7. Buerger’s Disease.
 8. Exophthalmos.
 9. Lipoma.
 10. Boa’s sign.

Dr. MGR University  AUGUST 2012 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[LB 1239] Sub. Code: 1239
Q .P .Code: 581239
Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
1. Write detail about Burns and its types, Patho
physiology, Assessment and Management. 16 25 15
2. Define conjunctivitis. Write detail about etiology,
signs & symptoms, management of Acute Catarrhal
Conjunctivitis. 16 25 15
II. Short notes on:
1. Reynaud’s disease. 3 8 5
2. Hypovolemic Shock. 3 8 5
3. Varicose Vein. 3 8 5
4. Granulomatous Lymphadenitis. 3 8 5
5. Neurofibroma. 3 8 5
6. Types of Hemorrhage. 3 8 5
7. Causes of Dimness of Vision. 3 8 5
8. Epithelioma. 3 8 5
9. Blepharitis. 3 8 5
10. Congenital Cataract. 3 8 5
III. Short answers on:
1. Boil. 1 5 2
2. Callosity. 1 5 2
3. Dermoid cyst. 1 5 2
4. Cellulitis. 1 5 2
5. Papilloma. 1 5 2
6. Marjolin’s ulcer. 1 5 2
7. Hypermetropia. 1 5 2
8. Entropion. 1 5 2
9. Scalds. 1 5 2
10. Staphyloma. 1 5 2

Dr. MGR University  FEBRUARY 2013 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[ LC 1239] Sub. Code: 1239
Q. P. Code - 581239
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks
I ESSAY QUESTIONS :- 2 X 15 = 30
1 Describe Shock and its Causes, Types, Clinical features, Pathophysiology, Management.
2 Define Conjunctivitis. Write detail about etiology, signs & symptoms, Management of
Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis
II SHORT NOTES :- 10 X 5 = 50
1 Indications of Blood Transfusion
2 Assessment of Burns
3 Gas Gangrene
4 Granulomatous Lymphadenitis
5 Metabolic acidosis
6 Types of Hemorrhage
7 Epithelioma
8 Varicose vein
9 Blepharitis
10 Glaucoma
III SHORT ANSWERS :- 10 X 2 = 20
1 Cataract
2 Fistula
3 Dermoid cyst
4 Abscess
5 Pappiloma
6 Tetanus
7 Hypermetropia
8 Ptosis
9 Callosity
10 Neurofibroma

Dr. MGR University  AUGUST 2013 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[ LD 1239] Sub. Code: 1239
Q. P. Code - 581239
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks
I ESSAY QUESTIONS :- 2 X 15 = 30
1 Define and classify haemorrhage. Write about the clinical features and management
of Haemorrhage.
2 Define corneal ulcers. Describe about etiology, pathology, classification,
clinical features, investigation, differential diagnosis & management of corneal ulcers.
II SHORT NOTES :- 10 X 5 = 50
1 Astigmatism
2 T.A.O
3 Trachoma
4 Factors affecting wound healing
5 Gangrene
6 Varicose veins
7 Basal cell carcinoma
8 Management of patient with burns
9 Acute suppurative tenosynovitis
10 Retinitis pigmentosa
III SHORT ANSWERS :- 10 X 2 = 20
1 Epiphora
2 Sinus and fistula
3 Marjolins ulcer
4 Takayasu's Arteritis
5 Schwannoma
6 Trousseaus sign
7 Kaposis sacrcoma
8 Ectropion
9 Argyll Robertson pupil
10 Mycetoma Pedis

Dr. MGR University FEBRUARY 2014 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[LE 1239] Sub.Code :1239
Q.P. Code : 581239
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer All questions
I. Essay Questions: (2X15=30)
1. Describe in detail Definition, etiology, clinical features, local examination and
complication of Varicose Vein.
 2. Write detail about Refractive errors and its Management.
II. Short Notes: (10X5=50)
 1. Write detail about Local examination of Lipoma
 2. Rule of Nine
 3. Types of Hemorrhage
 4. Basal cell carcinoma
 5. Write about Acute dacryocystitis
 6. Management of Shock
 7. Complication of Burns
 8. Differential diagnosis of blindness
 9. Causes, clinical features and Management of Senile Cataract
 10. Write about Allergic Conjunctivitis
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
 1. Von Recklinghausen’s disease
 2. Define Glaucoma
 3. Define Sinus and Fistula.
 4. Tetanus causes and its clinical features
 5. Hypertrophic scar
 6. Causes of splenic rupture
 7. What is Frost bite?
 8. What is Keloid?
 9. Causes and complication of Syphilis
 10. What is Ptosis?

Dr. MGR University  AUGUST 2014 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[LF 1239]Sub. Code : 1239
Q.P. Code: 581239
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer All Questions
I. Essay Questions: (2x15=30)
1. Define Hernia and explain composition, classification and treatment
of Hernia.
2. Explain Gastric Ulcer and its diagnosis, treatment and complications.
II. Short Notes: (10x5=50)
1. Acute Pancreatitis
2. Glasgow Coma Scale
3. Phimosis
4. Causes of enlargement of Spleen
5. Intestinal obstruction
6. Rectal prolapse
7. Pleural effusion
8. Types of wound
9. Indications for blood transfusion
10.Prolapse of Intervertebral disc
III. Short Answers: (10x2=20)
1. Odontoma
2. Nosocomial Infection
3. Asepsis and Antisepsis
4. Web space abscess
5. Hansen’s disease
6. Bed sore
7. Dental Cyst
8. Angiography
9. Cataract
10.Glue Ear


Dr. MGR University  FEBRUARY 2015 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[LG 1239] Sub. Code : 1239
Q.P. Code: 581239
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer All Questions
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. What is varicose veins? Write its Aetiology, signs and symptoms,
complications and Treatment of Varicose veins?
2. Write the classification of conjunctivitis and explain infective
II. Write Notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Actinomycosis.
2. Hemorrhoids.
3. Lung Abscess.
4. Burns Patient and Kidney.
5. Complications of Fracture.
6. Night Blindness.
7. Complications of Blood transfusion.
8. Deep Vein Thrombosis.
9. Chemical Burns.
10. Foreign Body in the larynx.
III. Short Answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Squint.
2. Cold Abscess.
3. Lucid interval.
4. Dentigerous Cyst.
5. Felon.
6. Disease causing Red Eye.
7. Endoscopy.
8. Pressure sore.
9. Greenstick fracture.
10. Senile Gangrene.

Dr. MGR University  AUGUST 2015 Question Paper
Subject : Paper I – SURGERY - I

[LH 1239] Sub. Code: 1239
Q.P. Code: 581239
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30)
 1. Classify Shock. Describe clinical features of Shock. Write investigations
 and management of Septic Shock.
 2. Define Conjunctivitis. Write detail about etiology, signs and symptoms, management
 of Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
 1. Complication of Blood transfusion.
 2. Difference between Benign and Malignant Tumors.
 3. Dermoid Cyst and Sebaceous Cyst.
 4. Rodent Ulcer.
 5. Congenital Cataract.
 6. Describe how to examine different types swelling?
 7. Rule of Nine.
 8. Describe different types of cataract.
 9. Write about Actinomycosis.
10. What is Glaucoma? Write its types and management.
III. Short answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
 1. What is Raynaud’s Disease?
 2. What is venous ulcer?
 3. Explain Keloid.
 4. What is Squint?
 5. Abscess and its types.
 6. Tetanus causative organism and clinical features.
 7. External Hardeolum.
 8. Define burns and scalds.
 9. What is Blepharospasm?
10. Myopia and Hypermetropia.
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