University Of Pune Question Paper
Master of Labour Laws and Labour Welfare (Part – II)
Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B.: a) Answer any five questions.
b) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Examine the nature and scope of Labour Economics.
2. State and explain the various theories of unemployment and suggest the measures
to reduce the problem of unemployment.
3. Examine the importance of the study of labour problems under the present
economic and social conditions of our country.
4. “Incentive schemes are widely regarded as beneficial both to the employers as
well as the workers”. Comment.
5. Critically examine the problems of child and women labour in India and suggest
measures to solve them.
6. “Labour is not a commodity”. Comment and state the socio-economic
characteristics of industrial labour force in India.
7. “Bonus is a dynamic concept” Comment. Explain the evolution and the present
position of bonus payable to industrial workers in India.
8. Examine the following :
a) Problems of Agricultural labour in India.
b) Various types of Dearness allowance.
9. Examine the impact of ‘Rationalisation’ and ‘Automation’ on employment of
labour in the context of Indian conditions. How far they are capable of raising the
efficiency and productivity of workers ?
Master of Labour Laws and Labour Welfare (Part – II)
Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B.: a) Answer any five questions.
b) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Examine the nature and scope of Labour Economics.
2. State and explain the various theories of unemployment and suggest the measures
to reduce the problem of unemployment.
3. Examine the importance of the study of labour problems under the present
economic and social conditions of our country.
4. “Incentive schemes are widely regarded as beneficial both to the employers as
well as the workers”. Comment.
5. Critically examine the problems of child and women labour in India and suggest
measures to solve them.
6. “Labour is not a commodity”. Comment and state the socio-economic
characteristics of industrial labour force in India.
7. “Bonus is a dynamic concept” Comment. Explain the evolution and the present
position of bonus payable to industrial workers in India.
8. Examine the following :
a) Problems of Agricultural labour in India.
b) Various types of Dearness allowance.
9. Examine the impact of ‘Rationalisation’ and ‘Automation’ on employment of
labour in the context of Indian conditions. How far they are capable of raising the
efficiency and productivity of workers ?
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