Monday, December 21, 2015

INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH AND EXPORT MANAGEMENT,P. G. D. I. E. M. (Semester - II),2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
P. G. D. I. E. M. (Semester - II) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) What is International Marketing Research. Discuss any two applications
of International Marketing Research.
Q.2) Why is it necessary to estimate value and cost of information before
conducting International Research ?
Q.3) How does exploratory, descriptive and causal studies differ from each
other ?
Q.4) What is Secondary Data ? Why is it necessary to critically review Secondary
Data available ?
Q.5) What factor would you take into consideration while designing a
Questionnaire ?
Q.6) Explain need and importance of International Market Opportunity Analysis
in detail.
Q.7) Discuss role of International Market Research in boosting Rate of Exports.
Q.8 Write short notes : (Any Three)
(a) Export Promotion Schemes
(b) Exim Bank of India
(c) Shipment of Goods
(d) Overseas Ag
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