Wednesday, December 16, 2015

B.Sc.(physics):Optics and acoustics Annamalai University 2014 december question paper

Annamalai University 2014 december question paper
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any TEN questions
 1. State the conditions for the formation of bright and dark fringes.
2. Explain colours of thin films.
3. What is the principle on which Michelson’s interferometer works?
4. What is Fresnel’s diffraction?
5. State Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution.
6. What is a zone plate?
7. State Brewster’s law.
8. Differentiate plane of polarization and plane of vibration.
9. Define specific rotary power of a sugar solution.
10. Define reverberation time.
11. Explain Laplace correction on the velocity of sound.
12. What is magnetostriction effect?
13. What are the two types of siren?
14. Write the formula for the total energy of a sound wave.
15. What do you mean by Doppler effect?
 Answer ALL questions
16. a) Describe how air wedge arrangement is used to test the optical
flatness of glass plate.
 b) Explain the construction , working and use of a nicol prism.
17. a) Discuss the Fresnel’s diffraction of light by a straight edge.
 b) Obtain an expression for the resolving power of a prism.
18. a) Give the construction and theory of quarter wave plate and half
wave plate.
 b) Explain in detail Huygen’s theory of double refraction.
19. a) Discuss the effect of moisture on the speed of sound in air
 b) Explain the method of flaw detection using ultrasonic waves.
20. a) A sound source is moving towards the stationary observer with a
constant velocity. Deduce the formula for the apparent frequency
heard by the observer.
 b) Describe sound radiometer method of determining the intensity of
a sound wave.
 Answer any THREE questions
21. What are Newton’s rings? Describe with necessary theory how would
you determine the wavelength of monochromatic light using Newton’s
22. Discuss the theory of plane transmission grating. Describe in detail how
would you use it to determine the wavelength of light.
23. How would you produce and detect plane, circularly and elliptically
polarized light?
24. Derive the formula for the determination of velocity of transverse wave
propagation along a string stretched under tension.
25. Describe with a neat sketch, Kundt’s tube method of determining the
velocity of sound wave in air column.
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