Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Annamalai University Question Paper,B.Sc.(PSYCHOLOGY) : CHILD DEVELOPMENT

Annamalai University Question Paper 2014
(Old Regulation)
(Candidates joined during 2008-09 and before)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions
 All questions carry equal marks
 1. Is there any link between heredity environment and maturation?
2. Explain the impact of school and peer group on adequacy and
3. How human life begins? What are the preliminary stages of development?
4. Write about depth perception and what is perceptual consistency?
5. Describe the chief characteristics of play interest of children. What are
the values of play for children?
6. What are the typical measures of development in eight periods of life?
7. Discuss the six sub stages of piaget’s sensorimotor stages of cognitive
8. What are the factors affecting pre-natal development?
9. Explain the significance of Erikson’s third stage of personality
10. How do boys and girls become aware of the meaning of gender and what
explains differences in behaviour between the sexes?
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B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. She has developed this website for the welfare of students community not only for students under Anna University Chennai, but for all universities located in India. That's why her website is named as www.IndianUniversityQuestionPapers.com . If you don't find any study materials that you are looking for, you may intimate her through contact page of this website to know her so that it will be useful for providing them as early as possible. You can also share your own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Thank you!


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