Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Annamalai University B.Com Personal selling and salesmanship question paper decembe 2014

Annamalai University question paper decembe 2014
(Old Regulations)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
 Answer any FIVE questions (5 × 20 = 100)
 All questions carry Equal Marks
1. Define personal selling. Discuss its features and importance.
2. Explain AIDAS model of selling.
3. Discuss different selling situations in personal selling.
4. Describe the role and task of a salesman in closing of a sale. Illustrate with
suitable examples.
5. Why is personal selling usually much more important in industrial marketing than
in consumer marketing?
6. Explain the qualities of a good salesman.
7. “Is salesman born or made” – discuss.
8. What are the difficulties faced by the sales person in selling of concepts, ideas and
9. What is sales manual? How it is prepared?
10. Discuss the advantages and limitations in selling as a carrier.
jkpHhf;fk; jkpHhf;fk;
 VnjDk; Ie;J tpdhf;fSf;F VnjDk; Ie;J tpdhf;fSf;F tpdhf;fSf;Ftpilaspf;f tpilaspf;f tpilaspf;f (5 × 20 = 100)
1. Ms;rhh; tpw;gid tiuaW. mjd; rpwg;gpay;g[fs; kw;Wk; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij tpsf;Ff.
2. tpw;gidapy; AIDAS nfhl;ghl;oid tpthp.
3. Ms;rhh; tpw;gidapy; cs;s gytpj tpw;gidr; R{H;epiyfis tpthjpf;f.
4. tpw;gidia Koj;jypd; nghJ tpw;gidahshpd; g';F kw;Wk; ,yf;fpid
vLj;Jf;fhl;LfSld; tpthp.
5. Vd; Ms;rhh; tpw;gid/ Efh; bghUl;fspd; tpw;gidia fhl;oYk; bjhHpy;
bghUl;fspd; tpw;gidapy; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tha;e;jhf fUjg;gLfpwJ?
6. xU rpwe;j tpw;gidahshpd; Fz';fis tpthp.
7. tpw;gidahsh; gpwf;fpwhh;fsh my;yJ cUthf;fg;gLfpwhh;fsh? tpthjpf;f.
8. fUj;JUf;fs; kw;Wk; nritfs; tpw;gidapy; xU tpw;gidahsUf;F Vw;gLk;
,lh;fs; ahit?
9. tpw;gid ifnaL tiuaW. tpw;gid ifnaL vg;go jahhpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ? tpsf;Ff.
10. tpw;gid gzpapd; ed;ik jPikfis tpthjpf;f.
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