Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Paper II English literature 1690-1780 BA Gulbarga University 2010 Question Paper

Gulbarga University Old Question Papers / Model Question Papers / Previous Years Question Papers : BA 2nd Semester English, Paper – II : English literature 1690-1780, 2010 Question Paper

Gulbarga University
B.A. II Semester Degree Examination
Paper – II : English literature 1690-1780
Texts: 1) History of English Literature
2) The Rape of the Lock
3) Moll Flanders
4) Gulliver's Travels

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

I. Show your acquaintances with any four of the following. 4x4=16
1. The Essay on Criticism.
2. The Journal to Stella.
3. The Lives of Poet.
4. Life of Johnson.
5. Clarrissa.
6. She Stoops to Conquer.
7. The Seasons.
8. Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.

II. Answer any one of the following questions: 1x16=16
1. Discuss The Rape of the Lock as a picture of contemporary society.
2. Write a note on the character of Belinda.

III. Answer any one of the following. 1x16=16
1. How far is Moll Flanders a realistic novel?
2. Attempt the character sketch of Moll Flanders.

IV. Answer any one of the following questions: 1x16=16
1. Explain the role of Lemuel Gulliver in Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
2. Consider Gulliver's Travels ad a satire.

V. Write short notes on any four of the following: 4x4=16
1. Verse satire in the 18th century.
2. Causes for the rise of the novel.
3. Swift as a satirist.
4. Characteristics of pre-romantic poetry.
5. The rise of periodical essay.
6. The picaresque novel.

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