Thursday, November 5, 2015

Object Oriented Systems MTech CS Berhampur University 2007 Question Paper

University of Question Paper : Berhampur University
Course : M.Tech Computer Science
Subject Title of the Question Paper : Object Oriented Systems
Exam Year : 2007
Full Marks : 60
Attend all questions

1.a. What is Object Oriented Programming? Explain how data & functions are organized in a object oriented program.
b. What is a constructor? Can we have more than one constructor in a class? If so explain the need for such a situation.


a. Explain in detail about the exception handling mechanism in C++.
b. Explain with a example working of a template.

2.a. Explain the concepts of aggregation and generalization in object modeling.
b. What is dynamic modeling? Discuss in detail about the various steps that are to be performed in consulting a dynamic model.


a. Draw a class diagram for the pay-roll application in a company.
b. Write the importance of package diagram in UML. Draw a package diagram for an internet banking application.

3.a. What do you mean by use case? Discuss the use case diagram for opening a file application.
b. Write a suitable example explain state chart diagram.


a. What are pattern? What are frameworks? What is the relation between the above concepts.
b. Discuss in detail the different architectural patterns.

4.a. Discuss in detail about the distributed object model.
b. What is RMI? Explain with suitable example.


a. What is JINI? Discuss in detial about event notification in JINI.
b. What is CORBA? Explain its features.

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