Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Modern Novel Question paper GNDU University question of Second Semester

Are you Searching GNDU Question papers? Here you can get Modern Novel Question paper. This is M.A English Question paper of GNDU.

Guru Nanak Dev University
General Master of Arts - English (MEG)
M.A. (English) 2nd semester
Modern Novel Question paper

Question Paper: Modern Novel

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100


Note: Attempt any Six questions within 150 words each.

1. Discuss D.H. Lawrences use of symbols in Sons and Lovers.

2. Discuss the public response to Sons and Lovers.

3. Explain the manipulation of Time-scheme in Mrs. Dalloway.

4. Is the character of Elizabeth convincingly portrayed in Mrs. Dalloway?

5. What is the symbolic significance of the manager of the Central Station in Heart of Darkness?

6. What is your opinion of the chief Accountant in Heart of Darkness?

7. Discuss the setting of Lord of the Flies.

8. What is the role of Piggy in Lord of the Flies? [6*6=36]


Note: Attempt ALL the given questions in not more than 800 words each.

1. Is it correct that "the disillusionment of Mrs. Morel with her husband leads her to the
possession of her sons" in Sons and Lovers? Discuss her characters in the light of this
"She wheedles the soul out of things." How far is this statement true about Miriams nature and
character in Sons and Lovers? [Marks 16]

2. Virginia Woolf has been accused of having failed to portray convincing or clearly defined
characters. Discuss this statement with regard to Mrs. Dalloway.
Virginia Woolf makes brilliant use of flashbacks and fragments from childhood experience in
Mrs. Dalloway. Elucidate your answer with suitable examples and quotations from the text.
[Marks 16]

3. Critically examine the character of Mr. Kurtz in Heart of Darkness.
The Heart of Darkness is based on the concept of self-restrain. Discuss this concept with
reference to the characters. [Marks 16]

4. consider Goldings Lord of the Flies as the nemesis of civilization.
Bring out the contrast between the characters of Ralph and Jack in Lord of the Flies.[Marks 16]

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