Wednesday, November 18, 2015

M.B.S. (Semester – I),CN – 103 : TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (TM) SPECIALIZATION – I,University Of Pune Question Paper,2014 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
Systems and Technologies for Knowledge Management
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2½ Hours Max. Marks : 50
 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Each question has two internal options (A) and (B). Attempt either
(A) or (B).
4) Answers should be precise and to the point.
5) Answers should be supported by live examples.
1. A) a) What are the different kinds of knowledge in Knowledge Based Systems ?
b) Explain the term “Knowledge Based Reasoning” with applications of the same.
B) a) Explain the term “Diagrammatic Reasoning” with applications of the same.
b) What is “Fuzzy Logic” ? What are the applications of Fuzzy Logic ?
2. A) a) Explain the concept of “Knowledge Engineering” with applications.
b) What is “Case Based Reasoning” ? Discuss applications of Case Based Reasoning.
B) a) Explain the concept of “Forward and Backward Chaining”.
b) What are the components of a Knowledge Based System ? Discuss.
3. A) Discuss the various techniques to automate knowledge acquisition.
B) Explain the techniques for using and organizing Organizational Stories.
4. A) Explain the terms :
a) Statistical clustering
b) Artificial Neural Networks.
B) a) What is “Unsupervised Learning” ?
b) Explain the concept and applications of “Decision Trees”.
[4674] – 112 -2-
5. A) Discuss the concept of “Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS)” with reference to the following
points :
a) Requirements of KSS
b) Types of KSS
c) Applications of KSS.
B) Explain the concept of “Knowledge Application Systems (KAS)” with reference to the
following points :
a) Design considerations for KAS
b) Technologies used in KAS
c) Applications of KAS.

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