Monday, November 30, 2015

M.A. (Part - I) ENGLISH (Semester - II),University Of Pune Question Paper,Paper - 2.1 : English Literature From 1550 to 1832,2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.A. (Part - I)
Paper - 2.1 : English Literature From 1550 to 1832
 (Semester - II) (2008 Pattern)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80
Instructions to the candidates:-
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Explain any four with reference to the context in the light of some of the
following points :
a) Significance of the extract
b) Imagery/Symbolism.
c) Allusions.
d) Diction / Style.
e) Literary Background.
i) Ah cease, rash youth! Desist ere ‘tis too late,
Fear the just Gods, and think of Scylla’s fate!
Changed to a bird, and sent to flit in air,
She dearly pays for Nisus’ injured hair!
But when to mischief mortals bend their will,
How soon they find fit instruments of ill!
Just then, Clarissa drew with tempting grace
A two - edged weapon from her shining case :
So ladies in romance assist their knight,
Present the spear, and arm him for the fight.
ii) These beauteous forms
Through a long absence, have not been to me,
As is a landscape to a man’s eye.
But oft in lonely rooms, and’ mid the din
Of town and cities, I have owed to them
In hours of weariness, sensations sweet
Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart
And passing even into my purer mind
With tranquil restoration.
SEAT No. :
iii) What dire offence from amorous springs
What mighty contests rise from trivial things.
I sing ... This verse to Caryll Muse! is due;
This, even Belinda may vouchsafe to view;
Slight is the subject but not so the praise,
If she inspire, and he approve my lays
Say what strange motive, goddess! could compel
A well bred lord to assault a gentle belle?
Oh, say what strange cause, Yet unexplored
Could make a gentle belle reject a lord?
iv) Five years have passed; five summers with the length
Of five long winters; and again I hear
These waters, rolling from their mountain - springs
With a soft inland murmur. Once again
Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs,
That on a wild secluded scene impress
Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect
The landscape with the quiet of the sky
v) I hear, I hear, with joy I hear!
But there’s Tree, of many, one,
A single Field which I have looked upon,
Both of them speak of something that is gone :
The Pansy at my feet
Doth the same tale repeat;
Whither is fled the visionary gleam?
Where is it now, the glory and the dream?
vi) The Light whose smile kindles the Universe,
That Beauty in which all things work and move,
That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse
Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love
Which through the web of being blindly wove
By man and best and earth and air and sea,
Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of
The fire of which all thirst, now beams on me,
Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality
Q2) Write short notes on any two of the following in not more than 400 words each :
a) Adonais as a pastoral elegy
b) Parody in Rape of the Lock
c) Wordsworth’s philosophy of nature in Tintern Abbey
d) Childhood memories in Ode on the Intimations of Immortality
[4102] - 221 2
Q3) Attempt any one of the following in not more than 800 words.
a) Discuss The Way of the World as a Restoration Comedy.
b) Discuss in detail the love and marriage theme in The Way of the World.
Q4) Attempt any one of the following in not more than 800 words.
a) ‘Pride and Prejudice is a novel of well-knit plot interlinked with subthemes’.
Write a detailed note in the light of the statement.
b) Write a detailed note on Elizabeth Bennet as the central character of the
novel, Pride and Prejudice.
Q5) a) Write a short note on any one of the following in not more than 400
words each:
i) Millamantas an ideal heroine of The Way of the World
ii) Wit and humour in The Way of the World.
b) Write a short note on any one of the following in not more than 400
words each :
i) The title of the novel, Pride and Prejudice
ii) The Bennet family.
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