Saturday, November 14, 2015

ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Paper – VII) Production and Material Management,Solapur University Question Paper,B.Sc. (Semester – IV) 2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Sc. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014
Production and Material Management
Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Multiple choice questions : 10
1. 1) Production planning and control is easy in _____________ production.
a) Job-shop b) Batch
c) Mass d) Continuous
2) _____________ is the process of verifying or determining whether product or
services meet or exceed customers expectations.
a) TQM b) Quality Certification System
c) Product assurance d) None
3) There is no customer participation in _____________
a) Market Research b) Production Management
c) Portfolio d) Operation Management
4) _____________ maintenance consists of period inspection of plant and
a) Corrective b) Predictive
c) Preventive d) None
5) _____________ is not a mandatory system nor it is a government regulation.
It is very important customer regulation.
a) Quality Management b) TQM
c) ISO 9000 d) Product Assurance
SLR-E – 25 -2-
6) _____________ are used to stimulate demand during slack periods.
a) Free samples b) Coupons
c) Money off price incentives d) None
7) Machine loading is carried out in conjunction with _____________ to ensure
smooth workflow.
a) Routing b) Scheduling
c) Dispatching d) Expediting
8) TQM stands for _____________
a) Total Quality Management b) Total quantity Management
c) Total quantum measurement d) None
9) The lead time is the time _____________
a) To place an order
b) Time required to discuss with supplier
c) Gap between placement of an order and the time of actual supply
d) None
10) _____________ refer to a quality system model for quality assurance in design/
development, production, installation and servicing.
a) ISO 9001 b) ISO 9002
c) ISO 9003 d) ISO 9004
2. Answer (any 5) from the following : 10
i) Define Plant Layout.
ii) Define Product Management
iii) What is Combination Layout ?
iv) What is Material Management ?
v) What is Maintenance ?
vi) What is Inventory Control ?
-3- SLR-E – 25
3. A) Answer (any one) from the following : 5
i) Write 4 advantages of Mass Production.
ii) What is R and D Concept of Production ?
B) Answer (any one) from the following : 5
i) Write 4 advantages of batch production.
ii) Write in brief the scope of batch production.
4. Answer (any 2) from the following : 10
i) What is fixed combination layout ?
ii) State the objectives of Production Planning and Control.
iii) Write the importance of TQM.
5. Answer (any 2) from the following : 10
i) What is inventory control ?
ii) State inventory control techniques.
iii) What is the procedure of industrial purchasing ?
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