Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Diversity and Biology of Non-Chordates and Chordates and Developmental Biology B.Sc Zoology AU 2008 Question Paper

Are you searching for B.Sc Zoology, Diversity and Biology of Non-Chordates and Chordates and Developmental Biology Old Question Papers for Assam University ? You can download the contents of this question paper below. The exam paper belongs to 2008 exam year.

Assam University Previous Year Paper
QP Code: NTS-08/ZOOH-1 / 055
2008 Question Paper
B.Sc Zoology
First Paper
(Diversity and Biology of Non-Chordates and Chordates and Developmental Biology)
TDC - Part-I (New Syllabus)
Full Marks : 70 Pass Marks : 21
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicates full marks for the questions

Answer five questions, taking one from each Unit.

Unit- I

1. Enlist the cellular components of sponges. Name the types of canal systems in them. Illustrate with diagram, the Syconoid type of canal system. Draw the vertical section of the body wall in Scypha. 2+1+(2+7)+2= 14

2. Differentiate between Polyp and Medusa. Enumerate the life cycle of Obelia with necessary diagram. Comment on its metagenesis. 3+(2+6)+3 = 14

Unit- II

3. Enlist the distinctive features of Arthropoda and Mollusca. Enunciate with sketches, the structure of cardiac stomach as seen in Palaemon. 3+3+(2+6) = 14

4. Write short notes on (any two) 7 x2 =14
(a) Testicular nephridia of Leeches
(b) Locomotory structure and locomotion in Starfish.
(c) Compound eye and mosaic vision in Prawn.
(d) Illustration with diagrams of any two larval forms in Crustacea.

Unit - III

5. (a) Name the classes, the following organisms belong to. Justify their inclusion in respective classes : 2 x5 = 10

(i) Bat (ii) Balanoglossus (iii) Pigeon (iv) Frog (v) House lizard.

(b) Explain the statement "All vertebrates are chordate but all chordates are not vertebrate" 4
6. Enunciate the characteristics of buccal funnel in lamprey with diagram. Draw and describe the ammoecoetes larva. (2+3)+(2+5+2) = 14

Unit - IV

7. How does a Calotes change its colour? Illustrate the arterial system of Calotes with necessary diagram. 2+10+2 = 14

8. Write brief notes on (any two) 7 x 2 = 14
(a) Parental care in Amphibia. (b) Characteristics of Marsupials (c) Air sacs and their role in Pigeon (d) Digestive system of Rat.

Unit - V

9. Enunciate the biogenetic law. Draw labelled diagrams of matured spermatozoon of mammal. Illustrate the process of oogenesis with necessary diagram. 3+3+6+2 = 14

10. Write short notes on (any two) 7 x 2 = 14
(a) Cleavage types oand laws of cleavage. (b) Gastrulation in Amphioxus
(c) Acrosome reaction in fertilization (d) Spermatogenesis. 
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