Wednesday, November 4, 2015

CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

Are you B.E Civil Engineering Students under Anna University Chennai ? Having exam of CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS during Nov Dec 2015? Want to collect some important questions of CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS ? Then you have the reason to visit this page. This page provides you the very large collection of important questions of all university question papers / subjects. You can also here get lecturer notes of all subjects of all universities in India. Here under provided is important questions Nov Dec 2015 of CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS 06th Semester B.E Civil Engineering Under Anna University Chennai. Collect this question paper in text format as supplied below.

Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
Sixth Semester
CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)

IUQP Important Questions Collection
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Civil Engineering
CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS

1. Briefly explain about the three forms of interaction that can take place when energy strikes upon the surface
2. Explain the effects of surface roughness on scattering of EM energy.
3. Explain energy interaction with earth surface materials.
4. Explain the components of real Remote sensing System.
5. Give a detail specification and characteristics on meteorological satellites.
6. Describe the various types of resolutions and scale of satellite imageries.
7. Explain the characteristics of various sensing systems.
8. Explain sun synchronous and geo synchronous. Discuss In detail about the geometric characteristics of imagery
8.Write down the detailed procedure for visual interpretation of satellite image and explain interpretation key characteristics.
10. Write a note on image enhancement techniques.
11. Write an essay on supervised and unsupervised classification of remote sensed data.
12.Briefly describe the techniques employed in digital image interpretation.
13.Describe the various features of vector overlay processing? What are the data output devises with given any one example with sketch.
14. Discuss about GIS data file management.
15. Describe the overlay analysis in GIS.
16. Briefly explain the cylindrical projection system.
17. Explain the applications of remote sensing and GIS in health hazards.
18. Discuss the role of GlS in land use and urban planning.
19. What are the four basic procedures for inputting spatial data into a GIS?
20. Explain in detail about:
(i) DEM
(ii) TIN

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