Saturday, November 14, 2015

APPLIED GEOLOGY (Paper – XIII),Solapur University Question Paper,M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV),2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014
Environmental Geology and Disaster Management
Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Question 1 is compulsory.
4) Answer any two questions from each Section.
5) Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Choose the correct answer : 14
1) Earth day is celebrated on
a) 5th June b) 22nd June
c) 22nd April d) None
2) Where in India was the “Save the soil movement” started ?
a) Dehradun b) Hoshangabad
c) Goshwal d) Solapur
3) “Sundarbans”, the largest mangrove forest in the world lies in __________
a) West b) North
c) East d) South
4) Solar cells are simple photovoltaic devices that convert solar energy directly
into electrical energy and are manufactured from the second-most abundant
element in the earth’s crust. Name it.
a) Al b) Si
c) Ca d) Fe
5) Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested ?
a) K b) Na
c) F d) Cl
SLR-VE – 13 -2-
6) Which protocol/convention deals with ozone depleting substance ?
a) Montreal b) Kyoto
c) Bussel d) Delhi
7) Name the main element that is required to run a nuclear plant
a) As b) C
c) U d) K
8) There are three different types of coal. Two of them release a great deal of
pollutants into the air whereas the third release less smoke and is considered
to be less polluting. Name it.
a) Lignite b) Bituminous
c) Anthracite d) None
9) Ozone layer is present in which layer ?
a) Stratosphere b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere d) None
10) Which of the following is not a green house gas ?
a) Methane b) Oxygen
c) CO2 d) CFC
11) The greatest Tsunami disaster that struck Sumatra-Andaman Islands killing
over 3 lakh people occurred on
a) 24-12-2004 b) 25-12-2004
c) 26-12-2004 d) None
12) Excess consumption of fluoride causes
a) Necrosis b) Fluorosis
c) Heart diseases d) None
13) Effective drainage of the soil prohibits soil
a) Salinity b) Fluorosis
c) Kankar formation d) None
14) Acid rains are the result of
a) Air pollution b) Sound pollution
c) Cloud pollution d) None
-3- SLR-VE – 13
II. Discuss in detail the causes and effects of climate change. Add a note on food
security related to climate change. 14
III. Write in detail the composition of lithosphere. 14
IV. Write in detail on Killari earthquake. Add a note on disaster mitigation. 14
V. Write briefly on the following : 14
a) GIS and Remote sensing in disaster management
b) Landslides.
VI. Write short notes on the following : 14
a) Classification of natural hazards
b) Composition of hydrosphere.
VII. Write salient aspects on the following : 14
a) Seismic zones of India
b) Source and classification of waste products.
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