Saturday, November 14, 2015

APPLIED GEOLOGY (Paper – II),2014 Question Paper,Solapur University Question Paper,M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I)

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions.
2) Question No. I is compulsory.
3) Answer two questions each from Section A and B.
4) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
5) All questions carry equal marks.
I. Tick mark the correct answers : 14
1) According to Peacock’s classification the amount of silica in calc-alkaline
series is ___________ percent.
a) 46 – 51 b) 51 – 56 c) 56 – 61 d) 61 – 70
2) In a phase diagram the eutectic situation is represented as
a) line b) field c) point d) none
3) During the emplacement of carbonatite ___________ is observed.
a) Fenitization b) Granitization
c) Migmatisation d) None
4) Which of the following rocks does monchiquite belongs to
a) Syenitoids b) Granitoids
c) Gabbroids d) Lamprophyre
5) The term MORB is related to
a) buchites b) basalts
c) basannite d) none
6) Find the odd one
a) andesite b) eclogite
c) marble d) amphibolite
SLR-VE – 2 -2-
7) The term window to mantle is applied to an altered porphyritic mica peridotite
containing olivine (commonly altered) and phlogopite (also altered) and
containing diamonds is commonly known as
a) carbonatite b) eclogite
c) kimberlite d) granulite
8) The zone concept in metamorphism was proposed by
a) Grubermann and Beek b) Tilley
c) Barrow d) Harker
9) Grossularite is the garnet that makes its first appearance in the rocks of
chlorite zone of ___________ facies.
a) zeolite b) greenschist
c) eclogite d) none
10) The ‘Charnockite’ found in south India are characteristic rocks of
a) hornblene granulite b) hornfels
c) pyroxene granulite d) none
11) The partially fused hornfelsic rocks occurring as xenoliths, usually in basalt
or diabase as a product of pyrometamorphism is
a) slates b) gneisses
c) schists d) buchites
12) Find the mis-match pair from the following.
a) laumontite-zeolite
b) stilpnomelane granulite
c) glaucophane-blueschist
d) omphacite-eclogite
13) In the ACF diagrams used to represent metamorphic facies, the alphabet ‘C’
a) CaO b) CaO – FeO + MgO + MnO
c) CaO – 3.3 P2O5 d) None
14) Khondalite of eastern ghats are of ____________ facies.
a) zeolite b) greenschist
c) amphibolite d) none of the above
-3- SLR-VE – 2
II. Discuss the role of water vapour pressure in the crystallisation of albite-orthoclase
system in light of the formation of perthites, sub-solvus and hyper-solvus granites
and syenites.
III. Give the classification of metamorphic facies based on P and 7 diagram and
state the index minerals of each of the metamorphic facies.
IV. Discuss the metamorphism and magmatism associated with divergent plate
V. Bring out the salient aspects on the following :
a) Deccan basalts
b) Charnockites and khondalites.
VI. Write short notes on the following :
a) Fennitisation
b) TAS classification of volcanic rocks.
VII. Write briefly on the following :
a) ACF and AKF diagrams
b) S-type and I-type granites.
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