Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ADVANCED ACCOUNTANCY,Solapur University Question Paper,M.Com. (Part – I),2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Com. (Part – I) (Semester – II) (Old) Examination, 2014
Auditing (Paper – II) (Group – a)
Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Total Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternative from alternatives given below each question : 10
1) A report bearing qualification is known as
a) Unqualified report b) Plain report
c) Clean report d) Qualified report
2) ‘An auditor is a watch-dog and not a blood hound’ This decision is given in
the case of
a) London and General Bank b) Union Bank Ltd.
c) Allen, Craig and Company Ltd. d) None of these
3) The Section 44 AB is dealt with
a) Tax audit b) Management audit
c) Social audit d) Cost audit
4) The Companies Act provides relief to the auditor under Section
a) 522 b) 633 c) 558 d) 425
5) The audit of branch account is compulsory under Section
a) 229 b) 228 c) 227 d) None of these
6) The audit which is a comprehensive critical review of all aspects of process
of management, known as
a) Management audit b) Efficiency audit
c) Cost audit d) None of these
SLR-N – 31
7) When an auditor fails to obtain sufficient information to warrant any expression
of opinion he makes a
a) Qualified opinion b) Unqualified opinion
c) Adverse opinion d) Disclaimer of opinion
8) The company auditor has the right to signature an audit report under Section
a) 229 b) 228 c) 231 d) 227
9) The first auditor of a company is appointed by
a) Central Government b) Company registrar
c) Board of directors d) Annual general meeting
10) The appointment of an auditor is dealt with Section
a) 225 b) 224 c) 227 d) None of these
2. Write short notes : 10
A) Management audit
B) Significance of events occurring after the balancing date.
3. Answer in brief : 10
A) What are the duties of an auditor under the Companies Act ?
B) Write civil liabilities of an auditor.
4. Answer any one of the following questions : 10
1) What is auditors report ? Give difference between report and certificate.
2) What special points would you consider while auditing accounts of insurance
company ?
5. Answer any one of the following questions : 10
1) What is meant by qualified report ? Give specimen of qualified report by
giving at least two qualifications.
2) What is cost audit ? Describe the objects and advantages of cost audit.
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